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I was suddenly pushed into my room. "! w-ah...." I let out a sudden gasp.

"...sorry." The Captain behind me said in a low tone. "..ha...it's fine.." I sit down on my bed.

"Hey ____, I brought the bandages." Eren popped into the door. I looked up with my weak eye. '?' That was weird. I told myself. Blinking once again looking at Eren. 'Whats wrong with my eye?' I questioned. For some reason Eren's face was a little fuzzy to me. I rubbed my one eye.


"Huh?" I looked up freezing in place. "Don't do that. You will make it worse." Spoke the raven haired man bluntly. "......okay.." I replied trying to pry my hand off my eye, but still the urge to rub it came to me.

"Here I'll set them here. Unless, do you need help with anything?" Eren looked up at my with a friendly concerned look. Trying to hide his worried state. They all knew I was in need of help healing, but also knew that I was strong willed, and didn't like to tell them it hurt.

"She doesn't need help." Levi cut in. Eren looked down feeling a bit sad. Till a loud cheery voice crashed into the room like a storm.

"Why hello ____!! It's been a while."

Levi:"....what did I tell you."

Eren:"Ah Hanji hello." The two said in perfect unison, only to catch a glare coming back at each other's face. Basically cutting each other off.

"Haha..! don't look so depressed! Its bad for the ill, she needs to be around happiness, not gloomy people."

💨"Hn, I'm not gloomy." Levi muttered, and the brunette's words. It was actually cute to see the man pout.

"💦Ehh.heh..." Eren giggled in silence.

Hanji jumped up towards me. "So ___! how are you feeling?, any pain." 'Finally! I can feel like a human being now. These two are just too worried.' I sighed, and smiled.

"I feel pretty good, though It could be better."

Levi, and Eren:' N-no way she smiled!?' The two gawked at Hanji, and I. That through them off their step.

'.....am I really that gloomy...?' Eren asked himself.

'.......' Levi averted his eyes in shame a bit. Realising he couldn't make me feel better enough to smile.

I blinked my eye realising my vision wasn't clearing, however I said nothing. 'C-crap...I still can't see.' I could see Hanji just fine, but Eren, and poor face of Levi was blurry. I couldn't even tell what expression he had on his face from the distance they stood near the door.

"Well then let's get down to it. You two out!!' Hanji turned to them.

"Ah right. See you later Eren." 'W-well...not the best thing to say now...' I thought.

"Strange as always...." Levi left, and closed the door behind him.

"Now then _____. I think it's best if we wrap new bandages on your wound, and that eye of yours seems to be a problem." She smiled gently at me. I knew I could trust her, without judging me in a bad way. "Ah..y-yeah..."

"How about the eye first, it should be cleaned."

I sit down while Hanji got the damp cloth ready. Before I knew it she was kneeling down across from me. "...sorry, but could you hold your hair up?"

"S-ure." I slowly twist my bangs up, showing the long cut across the lid of my closed eye. "....does it sting?" She gently put the cloth on it, cleaning off the blood from my face. I tried sucking my breath in, as it was stinging.

I huffed out. "A a little, ill live."

"Heh..well Levi will like you more, once your blood free." Hanji giggled.

"! w-wah...."

"Oh don't worry, your secret's safe with me. But...Eren seems really worried too. * Continues to clean* As I have seen over time, the two are bad at explaining emotions without being harsh or blunt about them, so don't take it to heart. It's not often there is another girl here like you. It's been a while..."

I watched Hanji's arm move near my face where my eyes was. Squeezing out the dirty cloth she put more clean water on it. "Well, I just don't wanted to be hated."

"Pfft! your way far from that. That's just it, it seems many of the people here like you! I'm sure of it. your different in a good way."

"Just try not to get anymore wounded, i'm not sure how much more your body can take. Listen ___* Hanji suddenly looks me dead in the eye* Promise me if anything is bothering you, that you tell me."

I was surprised, she really did care. From what I could remember I got alone with only a few select girls, as the rest where always mean to me, but sadly I never knew many guys before. So my emotions, and memories are a mash of things. I nod my head. "Alright." I blinked realising my vision was still blurry. "...Hanji..."

"Mh yes??" She began to wrap a thin bandage around my one eye that went across my head under my hair. I still held my bangs up with a hand to make it more easy for her.

"....I...can't really see."

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