🌹The Forest🌹

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I wake up the next morning to birds chirping. At first, I thought I was back at the survey core castle base. Once I opened my eye I realized it wasn't it. This was the new home that we all pitched in to get.

With the help or Erwin, Hange and Levi we found homes for us. Armin and Mikasa had their own place with Jean. Erwin landed his own quiet home. He sudjested Levi, Hange and Eren stay with me. To our surprise, as time passed we noticed Miche found Erwin.

So now the two tall blonde men shared an apartment.

I shake my head after spending five minutes reminiscing about us all.
I could smell something of waffles wafting down the hall. 'W-wait who actually knows how to make them? waffles weren't a thing really where they lived.' I thought.

Sighing I picked myself up and went into the bathroom to clean up. Most of them finally figured out how to use a phone.
i didn't wanna bother Levi, so after my shower, I would text Eren.

Stepping out of the shower, and threw on my casual clothes which consisted of black skinny jeans, a soft pure white long-sleeved shirt and tall boots I used when in the survey core. I loved the boots our uniforms had. I let my hair long down letting it flow well over my shoulders. (If you have hair that isn't so long, just add something else.) There were no tians here as far as I knew, my hair didn't need to be up like when we went on missions.

I picked up my phone and shot a small text to the brunette who I started slowly to trust again.

Reader/Me: Morning, Eren. Is that..someone cooking I smell? Hey...uh also is Levi awake?

Not long after I found a reply.

Eren: Oh! morning ___. You are up early. Levi is awake I'm quite sure. As for the smell, I think...it's also Levi or Hange. What is it? I'm not familiar with it.

Reader/Me: Oh..yay. I think it smells like something called waffles, it's a sweet baked good. Say Eren..if Levi is awake. Wanna walk down with me, I'm a ..bit nervous to go out there alone.

Eren: Oh alright, it's no problem. I'll be there in a second. Why are you scared of Levi now though, he's been mostly nice to you? has he not."

The second I read the text there was a knock at my door. I walked over to the door. Opening it quietly, Eren greeted me with a soft smile.

The two of us walked down the hall.  We see a Hange with her feet up on the sofa. Then there, sure enough, was Levi cooking in the kitchen. I was a bit surprised. He wasn't even really cooking, it was more baking than anything else.

It only took the sound of me almost tripping down the hall, to have their eyes snap up at me and Eren. Eren quickly pulled me back with my arm. 'Damn..who left that here.' It was a pencil just laying there on the ground. "Y-you okay..??" Eren whispered in my ear. I pulled my arm back and tried to straighten myself out. It was too late though, they have already seen it. Levi blinked his silver eyes. Only for a spare second did I notice a tiny smirk-like laugh on his face. 'H-he was laughing at me??!' It was extremely rare to see that kind of a look on his face. Then his face dropped back to his normal board state.

"Go drink tea...you are clearly too clumsy for this time of day.'  There clearly was tea ready on the table. My eyebrows twitched. I kept my mouth shut, and quietly walked over to Hange who was already greeting me.

"Good morning ____!" Right away I felt myself relax. Hange motioned for me to sit.

"So what's in the book today for you___?" She poured me a cup of tea, setting it down on the table. I was gonna answer, when I was cut off.

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now