A Titan's Lullaby

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"Ha.....finally...." I sighed sitting down on top of a large tree branch. I was taking a break from all the walking. I might as well because from looking out into the middle of no where, there was no way I would arrive any time soon.

If there was titans I'd be a little scary, but I could use this tree, and the ones near it to kill them if needed.
Sitting here ended up reminding me how I was training. Forced myself up all night to train, putting on, and taking off the gear. Levi, Eren, and even Erwin staring holes into me as I learned to use the 3DMGear. That was the easy part for me, that hard part was knowing where to put all the leather straps.

'God.....that took forever...'

What shocked me the most is how Eren looked in, and acted in Titan form. I had noooo Idea! that that guy was one. I was told my Hanji that he used to cause a lot more damaged than back then , than now. That, and he was more scary.
I could feel the heat rise to my face. "...Tch, what do I know.... I mean...., I saw sick at the time...."
Levi might have been the one following Erwin's orders for all I know. Or.... did he really think of me then? to help my flue go away.
I shake my head, looking up I shifted in my seat. Adjusting my long deep coloured boots, and keeping my feet from falling asleep.

Hearing things, I also knew that usually 98% of the cadets here, and in any regiment where forced to go through special 4 year training to get here.
Then there was me, I skipped it all together. I wasn't sure if that was a bad or good thing, but considering I was alive, and doing quite well in training, maybe it was a good thing.

Images of my fellow friend's, and cadets

 training came into my mind.



The shouts, and cries of light pain came into my mind.

Some times even blood could be seen, on the corner of mouths.

"NGH!!" *THUD!*

"Argh....that hurt.." A guy with dark brown hair said.

"Heh, not bad.."



"Tch, train harder, unless you want to get punishment." A stern voice said.

💨"!!!" My eyes widen, as all of it fades. I bring my hand to my head, feeling my eye throb. I could feel some blood shift around my eyes, but dry fast below my hair. Soon enough my hair would soak it up. "Huh....., worry about that later. Worry about now, and how I will find my way back." I told myself, as I rest a little longer on the tree knowing I had to move out soon.

It began to rain.

"Huh...seriously..." I grabbed the edge of my green cape' hood, and pulled it over my head. The rain only became harder as time went on. I could feel the cold wet rain pound through my cloths. There would be only so long till everything on me would get soaked with water. I couldn't move from up here, it would be a death wish if I did. All I could see below me was fog, with lots of rain. It was hard to even see what was out there miles away from me. I curled up to the tree trying to keep myself warm, but soon enough I would be cold.

{Time Skip}

"Achoo.....!......................* sniff* great.....its cold...." I sighed seeing storm slowly end, and the fog began to fade. "A little late...." I hissed at the cold feeling that clung to me.
I looked up from my drenched hood that was basically useless. Only to have my eyes land on figures in the distance. Even if I saw half red, and half hazy clear, I could make out something that looked like better news.

It looked like people on horseback coming down the large field on horseback. Taking my chance , I swung out my very last smoke I owned, pushing it into the gun I held it up to the sky.
This was all I had left.

*BANG!!* Black smoke rose to the sky. * Click.........thud....* Slipping out of my hand, it fell below the tree. This was all he hope I had.

Suddenly I could see the few people slow a tad in the distance. When out of no where, something really tall rose to the ground.

"N-no...Way." My eyes widen at the sight before me. I could feel the ground shake below me. * Thud.....thud thud.*
It was a titan, and not just any.

"E-Eren." I gasped, blinking my dull eyes I could see the men speed towards me, but not near as fast as Eren 
ran as a Titan to my aid

" This cold day was finally going to end." I blinked my injured eye from under my hair, seeing only red, and not the usual colour.
* Thud thud thud THUD* He began to slow down his foot steps became slower, as he got closer to me. I watched his titan emerald eyes widen seeing my cold form huddled on the branch.

Just like that I was face to face with him. His head just reaching up to the height of the tree I sat on. He let out a low......gentle sound.
"Gnnrr....." He put his face towards me, but kept his distance.
"💨 Hey, Eren...how have you been?" I did my best to smile. I could see his eyes tear up a tad from the look of it. The others still being far away.

"Nnnn....rr...." He replied, slowly bringing his large figure up to me, touching the side of my face ever so slightly. I could feel his warm titan body heat radiate off him.
It sent chills down my spine. "I'm alright..., not bad don't worry, okay...?" I tried to be calm. But I knew it wouldn't fly by on him. He knew something was up, he could smell it.
Yes, he could smell blood on me.

'P_please...don't see.....I...can't show him now...., no one...' I swallowed.

"Nnnn..." He groaned opening up his large palm to me.
"Guess we better go." I began to slowly crawl up into his palm. I kept on going closer to his face. Never in my life have I felt so at peace as now, yet I was injured. I hugged Eren's large Titan nose.
"Thanks...so much, Eren. I missed you guys."
I could feel my cold frozen body began to warm up, as I sat down in his palm. Giving me one last asking signal, I nod my head." You may. I'll be fine." With that he closed his palms over me.

It was dark under his fingers, but nice, and warm. Breathing out cold sickly puffs, I lay down on my side, feeling Eren begin to walk I assumed it was to the others.

'I wonder...who came with?' I thought inside my mind, I tried to keep my ear open, and catch voices outside.

"Eren..!" I could here a voice call from below me. I stayed still, being half asleep, and exhausted I listened quietly. "How is she?"

'W-wait...was that Erwin?'

There was a pause, that I wasn't sure about what was happening. "I see...., alright that;s good then, lets head back."

"And be careful." A low voice said. Making me blink a little.

I began to slowly doze off, as a the walk back was quiet. It was as if he knew I was asleep, and did not want to wake me.

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