Crashing Down

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After ridding for hours, and still stuck in this thick forest. MY breathing started becoming louder..., and louder. Heavy, was a understatement.

"💨Ha...ha...ha.." I started wheezing out small tiered coughs. My hand came to my chest for a second, hoping it will help my lungs clear.

We where still galloping, but I began falling back. No that was not even it, I was the last one behind. My body couldn't keep up, with my stallions running speed.
I could see Armin flash me a quiet look. By look of his eyes, he was thinking, or asking question. He started pulling back, and came up next to me with his horse.

"Are you alright?"

I looked down, at my horses neck with my mouth open, breathing in, and out with my horses stride. I looked up, to meet Armin's baby blue eyes. I smiled a little.
"Just tired, it's alright though."

He paused for a moment, I saw him push his hand down into the saddle bag, pulling out a container. "Here." He reached it out to me.
That's right, I forgot to bring water. Lightly clamping my jaw, I took it from him. One problem was, one can't usually drink while ride a horse. Or...

"W-wah..!" Armin, and my eyes snapped forward. Only to see Eren attempting at drinking water while ridding.

"..t-hehe. " We both giggled, at Eren's water covered face, too bad having the wind drying it so soon.

When suddenly all of a us heard a loud voice. "Everyone Pull up!!!" Levi's voice.
Just like that everyone pulled to to sky.
"!!" Only to realise I was the only one on horse back still going forward. "W-wah!! c-crap! what the heck!!?" My eyes widen in shock, at the mobs of titans come crashing through the trees.

Horror struck me, as I looked ahead, then back at my gear. Never in my life, have I used the wires to fly me through the air.

"Ah! Crap! how do I work this!!!" Dropping the reins, I grabbed both handles of the swords. I had about 20 seconds or less to figure this out.

"W_what the hell!!! Captain Levi If I live! I'm going to steal all your BLACK TEA!!" I screamed into the air.
* Gulp* (I can do this I can do this!) It was life or death for me.

{ Rewind}

"Everyone Pull up!!!"
* ZZZZ..iip!* Sounds of wires shooting into the air roared. Everyone fled from their horses.


*THUD* FWWT!* Everyone landed high up in the trees.

A parallel Levi hung from the tree counting.
Armin: Stood on the highest branch, looking down at everyone.
Eren: Was next to the panicking Levi.
Jean: Hung from the air, having his wires jammed into the branch above him. Levi looked at all his comrades. When suddenly the face he was looking for, wasn't present.

"💦! Cadet _____!, where is Cadet____!??" Levi's voice rose, narrowing at his squad. Anger, worry? confusion it was hard to tell what he felt in that moment.

*T_THUMP* The colour drained, from Eren, and Armin's face the most.

Eren's Mind( __-___ isn't here..!?)

Every one swallowed.

"Captain!!" Jean called down. " I see her!! she dropped her reins!"

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