Not My Problem

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I wasn't going to give up. ( W-wake up.........c-come on.... I passed my training.)

"Hey..! look their back!" The voice of a man called.

I could feel the wind move around us still, but the voices got closer.

"Eren!" (W-wait.... I know that voice....) I told myself. It was Armin.

Suddenly the wind stopped. I didn't move either, but I could feel the presence of someone close to me.

"W-what...happened...?" It was Armin's voice again.
There was silence, before Eren spoke. "..S-she....ended up passing over them." Armin's face lightened up. "But....she crashed into the tree."

"She will be fine, just exhausted. Lets head back." Levi added.
(W-who's the one near me...?) Breathing out, a little I slowly moved my arm up.
*grip* "_____, your alright." (T...this was...) His hands where warm, and comforting.
Then it hit me, it was Armin next to me. Levi must of set me down once we arrived.

I didn't move, not yet anyway. I still had a plan left.
"Armin, her life is in your hands. Eren, see to her horse." Of course, I knew it was a direct order from Levi, there was no mistaking it.

"Sir!" They agree.

"Hold on..._____, I'll take you." Whispered Armin to me kindly, as he lifted me up. I could feel my head begin to hurt. ( G-great....just my luck...) Feeling bad about him carrying me, since he was shorter than me. I had no choice but stay still.

We became air born again. Jean, Christa, and Levi went to find the horses. Everyone mounted once again. Before I knew it, I was once again on horse back.
Sitting with Armin on his horse.

I slowly began to open my eyes. Or more like face down. Just like that, I hissed in pain, as my bruised face touched the horses neck.

"Whats wrong?" Right away, Armin asked, sensing something was off. I spoke over the sound of horse hooves. Slowly I began to sit up, as my back felt painfully stiff.

"💨Ha..........*I Iet out a sigh* I'm fine now."

Everyone: Huh.!?"

At this even Levi's eyes widen from the front.( She's awake..?)

"A-are you sure? I mean you..."
Ignoring the question, I wonder I bring my hand up to my bruised face. "tch..! aha...nope....still there."

".?.?" The blonde just stared at me in question. How was I sitting so normal, after crashing into a tree.

I looked down." Thanks Armin. I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"Ah no no..! you didn't cause me trouble. Please don't let that worry you."

I looked up a little, seeing Eren pull up next to us on horse back, holding Spirit's reins as well.

"Feeling better?" I nod. "My head dose hurt, but I will live."
Both males looked at me a little sad. "Thanks Eren, for taking Spirit."

"Ah, no problem." He gave me a happy grin, but that wasn't all. I could still tell Eren was looking at me, with his deep emerald eyes.

"W-what is it?" I asked, while we rode through the open field, with Levi still leading us.
Not sure how to put it in words, Eren spoke. " Your face hasn't healed."

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