Naturally Harmless

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I wouldn't speak. My mind was blank.

Hanji did everything she could to make me smile, but it was failing.
My injured ended up causing me a fever, making me bed ridden once again.

"Hey_____!!!" Hanji called to me, bringing a large cup of tea, and soup. "I have brought some food, I do hope you will enjoy it. It was especially made for you."
*Cling!* She put the bowel down.

"Come one say ahhh!" She held the spoon out to me. No matter how much I knew I should eat, I couldn't.
"...." I avert my eyes.

".....Y-you know you need to eat...." She spoke.

( Of course I know, but I can't stay here for another day. I need to be free)

"Ha.... okay, I leave it here. Get well, I'll be back later." With that she left, leaving me all alone in the room.

"....I..I'm sorry..........I just want to go outside........." I looked out the window from my bed.

With that the door clicked open, and in came Levi.

* Thump..thump thump.* His boots came down hard. " So, I hear you are not eating."

"....." I just kept on looking out the window.

"Tch, hey! listen if you don't eat YOU!"

"....I wan't to go outside."

This made Levi's eyes widen. ( It's been days since she spoke, why now...?)
He walked to my side. "....Where do you want to go...?" It wasn't a order to say, more like concern.

" Just outside, for a walk." I shifted my eyes over. My face was still warm from my fever, and the mountain of blankets where not cutting it.

I Was Still Cold.

"💨Ha.........look if you eat, I'll will consider it, but Only If You Eat."
I turned my head to face Levi. His words really made me feel better. I nod my head, and the first time in a while. I smiled.
This made the raven haired man twitch in confusion.

"Eat." He ordered, holding the bowel out to me. I take the bowel from him, and behind to sip on the soup.
Suddenly I felt a hand come down on my head. Worried I kept on eating, pretending nothing happened.

(Still warm...., but maybe...) I felt the hand pull back quickly.

Not long I finished the soup, my stomach happy. I was handed the tea, as he watched me from the chair with his legs crossed. He seemed to be deep in thought, and sightly bored.
I put the cup down. With that Levi stood up. "Alright, get dressed, and come with me Cadet. I'll meet you in the hall."

"H-hu...? " Was all I could say. It wasn't like I couldn't walk, or stand on my feet. I can, it was just that the dizziness through my off a lot, that, and the fever.
Slowly I put on the rest of my uniform. a weirdo sick person I stepped out of the door. Feeling my heavy steps I faced Levi, who was leaning up against the wall waiting for me.

(Well..., he looks bored.)

"Finally done are we." He partly glared at me. "Ha....never mind, lets go. Don't fall behind."


I followed after Levi. For some strange reason I could barley keep up with the guy, he was shorter than me. I was sick..., but still my legs where longer than his. ( Then why the heck, was I feeling like I had to run to keep up with him?)

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