♠♣♦{A Cadet Subscenario} Black Coffee, and Sweet Tea Part 3 Final♦♠♥

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"Thanks." I smiled lightly at the shop owner. Buying the last of the coffee.

"Goodluck out there, miss" The man greeted kindly. I felt my heart pound for some strange reason, as I looked back up at him. "Thank you." I smiled at him the best I could, trying to say that I was alright.

"The world you live in must be hard. Other than us inside the walls."

My eyes flashed a bit at this. 'Life is hard everywhere. Here and there...' I told myself. "Tell me..miss. Do you have someone out there? who you care about."

I was shocked by his words. "W-well, I have a few friends. That I will do the best I can to keep from harm. Still its hard when sometimes what you want dose not happen."

The man nods. "I see..., I wish you, and them the best. Don't ever let them out of your sight, and thanks for trying to give us a better home. I may have never seen you around before, but..." Just like that I saw something get held out to me. "!" My eyes widened. It was a necklace, with a shiny silver tag on it. It was plan, but still pure and untouched looking. "Please, take this. This was past down from my family. I...am the only one alive to say a word, no one to give it to."

I reached down with my fingers, and grabbed it in the hands gently. "Just so you know, there are still people here who admire you. We still have hope."

I felt my heart sink as I walked by the stand. The silver necklace around my neck. I was intrusted by this man, who had no family left. One of those believers that still lived, and did not hate us for having so many die, and spend taxes on us. It tore me up inside, but still I felt a little warm. I thanked the man for the necklace, and left knowing I may never see him again. A man who was tall, with brown hair, and blue eyes selling coffee, and tea.

I continued my walk down the stone path. Trying to keep calm, to not have anything unwanted to happen. Sadly....luck wasn't with me. I was about to head to a group of Military Police by the water. Two with rifles, and others with nothing. I kept my head down taking my luggage.

"Hey! Survey Cor member." 'Mmh!' I felt my heart pound. I was seen, and called out to. 'Crap...Mike warned me.'

Like a soldier I turned to face them, as if nothing. "Yes? what is it." I looked them dead in the eye. "How are the titans out there? * A brunette man smirked at me* Heard they are less around the walls."

"Well yes. So far. It is new indeed." I spoke more formal. Taking my words from the way Levi would some times talk, when he gained more authority, but less of a sharp tongue.

"Oh, so where are you hiding them?" He inched closer. Putting only a few meters between us, with his little friends watching. Some smirking others giving blank faces. This man, also had the rifle on him.

'Ha...too bad Levi isn't here. He would beat the crap out of them. If this guy would get any meaner. Save my lungs from waiting air.' I sigh.

"As much as I'd love to tell you. I can not."

"Heh, is that so? Tell me, when did you join the crazy?"

*💢KRRK!* I felt something snap in me.'What did we just say?'

"Excuse me, what do you mean?" I asked like that did not just make me pop a vein.

"Im sure you know exactly what I mean. Erwin, that mad titan human, and the..

all hating...man of darkness Captain Levi." I felt my blood boil. 'Hell no, this man did not just insult Levi, and even Erwin.'

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