Stitch These Wounds Part 4

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I now had my jacket on, as we sat around. I sipped my tea. Everything seemed so calm, and peaceful. I didn't want this to end, even if I knew...this peaceful feeling wouldn't last forever.

Finishing about half my tea, my eyes seemed to fall onto a window on the top floor. I was sure it was an office because the window seemed larger than most of the others. A sudden dark figure seemed to just pass by the office, I couldn't make out who it was.

"Say... uh..-"

"Yes? what's on your mind_____." Hange kindly asked. She was like a sister to me, being closer in age to Hange, and Levi, than Eren from what I heard. Still, some people pinned me about Eren's age. I like seeing younger than my age really was. " Just wondering, who's office.. is that?" Not wanting to point, so the one on the other side couldn't see. Instead, I looked at the direction.

"Oh...! that one is Levi's," Hange said happily. I felt my heart sink a little....after what happened still confused me, seemed to leave a wound in me that wouldn't heal easy. My face was now black and blue bruised up. "I, see. Could I horse...? please." Skipping the matter of Levi's office.

"" Hange quietly sighed looking at Mike. Able to tell something was off still. "Sure, why not. Let's head there now. I'm sure he wouldn't mind seeing you again."

"He..?" I blinked. "She means, you're a horse." Mike stepped in. I stood up slowly following after Hange and the even taller blonde. Only to have them turn back to face me. "Oh..! I'm sorry." I felt ashamed a bit, I couldn't walk very fast yet. They shook their head. I could Hange's eyes pull a sorry look, apologizing to me. Just before I could process this last few moments. The tall figure of Mike stood before me, knelt down on the ground, back towards me. "Here, climb on."

Hange was already smiling brightly at this. Mike wasn't usually like this, sure he was nice, but he usually was quiet but nice. "Ah.uh.. are you sure??? I don't want to be a bother."

"Of course not, it's just to get you to heal those legs faster. Am I right Hange?" "Yes! very much so. This could help out big time."

"....okay...just... uh...don't drop me." "Heh, never crossed my mind." Mike knelt down as far as possible to the ground, to help make it easier to climb on. He patiently waited, as I gripped onto shoulders. This was an odd feeling, I couldn't remember the last time I had a piggyback. Slowly I set my legs up around his waist once by one. Having his arms gently hold onto them as I adjusted. He didn't move one inch till I wasn't absolutely ready.

"Alright?" " He breathed. "Yes, I think so..." With that, the tall blonde rose up to his feet. The sudden movement making me fly forward, as my arm death gripped around his neck, just as I slammed forward.

"!!!! Ah..I'm so sorry." I gasped, seeing how much I shocked the blonde, from the way his body suddenly froze. "You alright now?" He called quietly. Meanwhile Hange watched this playdown.Thinking about how Levi would react seeing this from his office window.

'She really needs to loosen up. Good thinking Mike, This should help, mend her....wounds on the outside, and inside.' The brunette women thought.

I nod my head slowly, loosening up my grip on his throat. " I'm, sorry. " I winced a bit as I said that. Feeling my sore body pulse. "No, I am. Must not have been the greatest of your wounded self. " With that, I felt him loosen his arms a bit, still strong, but gentle.

"Now, to the horses." Hange smiled. Trying to keep the mood calm. However, not leaving before catching a figure moving past the window in the shadows ones again.

*Tap tap tap* We made it into the stables, as Mike walked me straight to my horse, passing by Levi's black horse that was right next to mine. Seeing how it's coat gleamed with stars. I could tell Levi had a special place for the horse in his heart. Finding it in such a clean way.

"Here you go." Mike slowly set me down, as I face my horse. "Hello there boy..., missed me?" I couldn't help but smile. It was so long since I saw him. I walked over to my horse, reaching to pet its muzzle. ' velvet...I missed this.' I told myself.

The more I pet my horse, the more emotional I got. I could feel my hidden tears of joy, and pain comes flooding in. I turned my face away from the two section commanders, not wanting them to see me cry quietly.

'I missed you so much...s-soo much....' I said in my mind. As my tears came streaming down my face, stinging the bruises a bit. By now my arms were wrapped around the horse's neck, as I quietly cried.

"When is...dinner..?" I called not looking up at them. "In about an hour." Spoke Hange. "Okay, will be there by then," I said in a low voice.

The two just stood their arms folded, waiting patiently. Then Hange looked at Mike, signalling that I wanted to be alone, and not to worry about me.

"Alright, I will have the cook make the soup extra filling for you. If you need anything just ask, alright?" Hange called to me, their back's already turned to me.

"Yes,..thanks." With their heart sinking just a bit, as my somewhat sad voice they could tell in my words. They walked away.

"..I-..I.._ missed you so much.." Tears flooding down my face, as I began to cry harder. Not letting go of my horse's neck. I couldn't hold it in anymore. My horse just stood they're strong, like my shield, not caring about me soaking his clean coat.

Not long after I looked back up, at my horse. "I,..need to go now, boy. Please be good." I pat him one last time. That was when I heard a snicker of the horse next to mine's stall. The big head of Levi's black horse sticking out his neck out. Looking at me.

"Hey there." I smiled patting him too. "Take good care of Levi...for me alright...?" I smiled at his horse. I might have had a cold heart from the events a bit still, but it didn't mean I hated him. I still wanted him to survive.

I left the stables, limping a bit still from the mall leg wound I had a form being slammed to the ground in the courtroom. I made my way to the dining room. Not ready for what was going to happen then.

-To be continued 

Hello Everyone!! I just wanted to say. I started a new book with these titan, and tea loving people in it. Don't worry I will not give up on this story, never. I will keep both of these going on as of today. This story takes place during out time, with Levi and the rest of the survey corps. I hope you enjoy it!!

The Time Of Life Levi X Reader (Modern Time)

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