Untouched Trust

767 16 2

"......." My eyes began to open once again.

".......uh...." ( Ugh....., my head....) Looking through my sleepy eyes, I could see I was on a bed with white sheets.
There was a window next to me, where the curtains where drawn. I slowly sit up, only to hear a rattle next to me. * Ching.......*

(!...w-what....?) I tried moving again, only to feel a tug on my wrist. My eyes snapped down only to see cuff around my arm, and chained to the bed.

(W-what....* ..ching, I move my arm again* w-why am I chained....?)

I felt a sharp sting in my head once again. "..mh..!" I fall backwards, into the sheets.

* Thump....thump...thump....thump...* I could hear footsteps coming down the halls.

I stood still in the bed, as the sound of the door clicking open caught my ears.

* Tap....tap....tap...* The sounds came closer to me.

With the corner of my eyes, I could see the figure show up. Dark hair.....narrow silver eyes. The same brown, and white uniform with the long knee-high boots.
This guy seemed important.

"....I see you have awakened." The monotone spoke to me.

(!! he's sharp, I wasn't even looking at him with the eye most visible.

"....." I stayed quiet, I didn't even want to talk. My head hurt too much.

"Here...., drink this. This should help your head." The young-looking man stepped closer to me, holding a white cup in his hand.

I didn't reach out to take it. The man stood there in wonder, on why I was doing this. I had bandages wrapped on my legs, I could feel it.
"Tch...." Was all he said, as he placed the cup down on a small table next to me. He walked out without another word.

* Ching..!* I yanked on my chained right arm. "..ngh..!" No it was still there. I could feel it dig into my arm.

{ Outside the door}

* Ching..!*

The man turned hearing a clash of metal. He knew it was me.

{Inside the room}

* tug.......tug.................tug....* I pulled on it every soo often hoping it would come off.

{Back outside}

* Tap tap tap.*

"Oh, hello Captain, did you visit-" Eren was cut off.

"She's quiet." Was all he said, and walked off.

"..ah..(....that was weird...., even for Levi.)" Eren looked at the door, where I was kept. Looking down at the bowl, Eren walked to the door.


I watched as the door opened. A Quiet, gentle voice spoke."Um...., excuse me."

( It's him.) I opened my eyes, looking to the side, while my arm stung, alone with my sore head. "Oh, hello." Eren smiled at me.
I kept a blank face, as my eyes followed him. He was holding a bowl in his hand. * c.lick....* He set the bowl down on the table next to the white cup.

"Oh, did Levi bring that." (...so that's his name....Levi...)

"By the way, how are you feeling?" Eren kept his distance as he sat down on a chair.

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