Wanderer/Voices (Edited!)

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(Hello everyone! I just wanted to write a small update to the start of this story. I started this story years ago. I have also continued recently to keep writing new chapters for it. With many changes and plans to come in new chapters.

One last thing. I meant to write this story as the reader being taller than Levi, near Hange's height. Personally, I am a taller person.

This story is only mature because of language, some violence and blood.

As a big fan of AOT I personally do like Levi and Hange a lot. Hange is quite protective of the reader.

The reader has also based off parts of me, and is fond of Hange as a mentor, and are very close, possible something more?  Levi is also someone who is interested in the reader. She has a liking for how cool titan Eren is. Interest still falls much more for Levi though as the story goes on. If you want to height and hair length to be different on your end you can just think of something else. I hope you enjoy the story I spend years on.

I have one other book I've been writing for a while now. Here is the name of it.  Attack On Titan/ It All Started With Tea Levi Ackerman X Reader X Hange Modern

"..ngh....."I lift myself up from the ground. I blink my sleepy eyes, only to realize I woke up under a tree cave underground.

I didn't remember much on why I was here, all I remembered was falling into this underground home, tired, and cold.
It was warm, and comfortable inside, so I took  my chances, and slept there."...W-ell....morning...." I told myself. My clothes were ragged and torn around the edges. I couldn't even remember the time i bought this long coat I wore.
Then there was the one, and the only silver thing I owned. The Silver Chained Necklace.  I touched the silver chain gently. * tink...* I made a soft sound from my touch. I had no idea why I had this around my neck.

Then again I treasured it a lot.  I had to keep going, and hope to find a place I could live. I knew the wilderness was crazy here, and there. Still...., I was lucky enough to not get attack.( F-food.........please let this be the day, I can become a little less broke.)I slowly began to drag myself up the dirt hill under the tree. Hearing no danger around me, I slowly pulled myself out, and stood on my feet.🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔰🔰*huff...huff* I began to breathe hard, as I started to enter a large grassland field with no trees incite for miles.  "..tch.."  I was starting to get annoyed. Annoyed because I didn't know why I was dumped out in the middle of nowhere. Open fields could be very dangerous. Gathering speed,  I started jogging across the field. My long coat followed behind me, as I pushed myself to get the distance.* Thump...thump thump* My heartbeat, and footsteps matched as I ran through the field. ( Come on more.....,more! I need to get out of this area.)
I could feel a chill run up, and down my spine. Gripping my dirt-covered hands, I pushed myself more.While my eyes scanned the area. Way....in the distance something caught my eyes. It was moving fast. There was more than one of them.
(W-wait...! Those are horses..!) Not just that, there where people on them.I dug my heels into the ground, gathering speed I bolt in the  direction of the horses. (Faster.....faster! Just how much longer must I live in this godforsaken forest alone.)While I got closer, something suddenly showed up in a range of the horses.

*Doooom......doooom.....doom* Loud footsteps sounded, as very tall human-like figures showed up. The very sight of it made my stomach twist.(Ugh.., wwhat is that?) It was as if it was missing skin, bones seemed to be showing, or was it muscle?
Then suddenly it began to charge, at a very high speed. Even I  felt the land shake around me. It's large red, and white mouth open ready to bite down."O-oh crap..!! " (  I need to go! If those things get to me I I-) That's when my words got pulled away from me.*THUD!* The monster's large arms reached over sweeping the person off the horse, as others jumped off their horses with silver lines going in every direction, making them hover in the air. The loud screams of the monster, and human now in its grasp crying."💨Ha....ha..ha.." I watched in horror, as the person in its grip got dangerously close to its large jaws.  "N-no....save him. D-don't just..."  ( C_COME on legs Move!!)  This was bad, I had to move, I didn't want to see anymore. There was blood everywhere before I knew it,
*SShhwhwhwhhssshhh* I fled through the fields as fast as I could, stumbling every new drop on the land.* Thud thud thud thud thud*"GAAHHHH!!!"
"!!" My eyes widen, at the loud shout.  A chill hit me hard, as the corner of my eye drifted to the monster. Only to see blood splattering.
I couldn't even speak, I was lost of words.To my luck, as I ran for my life. Even if blood was on my legs, from the land cutting me. I could see horses, running in my direction.
*THUD!*"!!!!!!" My eyes went wide, as the land shook hard. (W_Wahhh!!!) I fell forward, face-planting on the dirt.It was another one of them, and it was getting closer, and closer to me."K!.. g-get up.." My legs stung, as I pulled myself up off the ground, and bolted.* THUd thud thud..!* I swore it saw me now, and it was close."Ha...ha ha ha!" I coughed from the amount time I have been running non-stop.

I blinked my eyes.  (Ohno.., w-what...whats with my)
I blinked again, as the monster was getting even closer. My vision was starting to get blurry."HaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"  They all began to shout, as the ground began to shift aground me, I saw large silver objects get pointed towards me.* THUD!*  The ground shook soo much, that I began to fly forward once again.
My hands out, as  I land one the cold hard ground.* Crack!* Before I could blackout, a loud shout rang through the area. My hole body stung, I felt blood drip down me. ( Uh....ughh...... I can't move...)I felt so cold. My head spun, I couldn't focus.My one arm was stretched out in front of me.  I could see a figured jump off the horse, and run towards me. My vision began to fall to the ground, all I saw was red.I began to come too, however, I was moving, moving fast.(......the sound of horses......) I could start hearing the hooves thrashing against the ground. My clothes were blown back from the wind, along with my long blood covered hair.
"......" I opened my eyes, only to see the ground moving under me. (W....what.....) I was face down to the ground. I was on a horse. 'But...wait...who's steering it?'"...hello...there." A whisper spoke to me, as the horse sounds blocked any other voices.I tried to move."W-wait.....you shouldn't move. It's not safe on horseback.""........I...see..." I kept my eyes to the floor or grass, and dirt."I'm Eren by the way."I wanted to smile, by even my jaw hurt. "...n-nice to meet you....I'm.""Hey...! Eren." A deep voice caught us off guard.* Clop clop clop clop* A horse came right next to us, with another person on it."Has she moved? or said a word."".........." I didn't say a word, even if I was somewhat safe. I still can't trust people right off the bat."Well..., she tried to move. Seems like she is conscious, but has no energy.""Alright, just don't drop her. We should be back soon." The mysterious voice zipped forward on horseback.

Eren:'I could see her relax her body once again, laying forward on part of the horse's neck. We had no choice, but to carry her like this.'*Clop..! clop! clop! clop clop* The horses hooves began to slow down, as I opened my eyes again. I still faced towards the ground.
Everything came to a halt. Eren who sat behind me, dismounted. " Here...I'll help you off." I could feel myself get picked up, and held in his arms.I finally was able to look up, this guy looked around to be my age. With emerald green eyes, he seemed nice. I looked around with my eyes, seeing everyone else get off their horses, while a girl with blonde hair gathered the horses up, and led them to the stables."Eren, this way." (??) I looked up, only to see a younger man, with dark hair, dressed in the same uniform, with a green cape a crossed winged symbol on his back, and clothes.
He had a stoic look on his face, or was he just tired?"Right." Eren replied as I was carried inside the castle-like building. Not long after be entered a dark room, I began to drift off.

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now