🌹Have You Forgotten?🌹

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( Shorter chapter. Needing some more time to talk with Hange. Can't forget her awesome self!)

I looked back at Eren who waited for me to answer.
I just patched up Levi. I did feel bad for the guy. He's been through a lot, he didn't need more scars.

"N-no.. I guess I just need sleep." I half lied. I was fighting sleep but I also wanted to text Hange and see how she it. I only saw her for a moment hours ago with a handful of books. Mostly she was awake still.

"Go sleep then..you look like crap anyways.."
Levi's words made me look back at him. I knew he didn't mean that I was disgusting and bad looking. I still wanted to make him a tiny bit guilty for saying I look like crap though.

I didn't reply only looked at him with blank eyes. He was taken back at what he said. " I- just go get some rest." His grey eyes looked so soft, he hesitantly reached out a hand and rubbed my hair a bit.
"Thanks for... this.." He said pointing at his bandages. "Of course." I smiled a bit at him.

Levi stayed there on the comfy sofa, watching as Eren lead me upstairs. He came back afterwards. "Did she finally go to sleep?"

"I think so, d-do you need some tea? "
Levi let out a quiet sigh."Fine... since she's gone."

He kinda wished it was ___ making tea. He felt his bruised self sting, even the scuff marks on his face. All he wanted was to rest peacefully. The next morning he was gonna try to do training again. Seeing if he could get ____ to join him.

"I put extra locks on the shop doors, hopefully, it will keep trouble out." Levi mumbled to Eren.

Eren is nice in this story to me, no matter what.

(Reader/my POV)

I wasn't sleeping yet, I wanted to text Hange. Quietly I picked my phone up, making sure it was on silent mode I began to type out my messages.

Reader/Me: Hi Hange, I'm pretty sure ur awake still. How are you? I haven't seen you around a lot today.

Not too long after that my phone lit up. It had to be her.

Hange: Hello! ____, as much as I appreciate you sending me this message. Shouldn't you be resting? I'm doing good, just catching up on some reading. Is something the matter sister?

'I knew it! she was awake.' She was always very fun and nice to have around.

Reader/Me: Ahh yeah I just couldn't sleep yet, I wanted to see how you are. I miss hanging out with you, we use to do lots of titan research together. Did you heard Levi got in a fight?

Hange: Awe can't sleep, is something bothering you. Wait have the boys been jerks to you?? I swear I hope not. Aww yes the titans, as much as it's kinda a bad thing, it was quite interesting to learn about. Actually, I know a bit of Levi's condition. Do you need help with patching him up?

Hange was such a sweet person, her words made me smile a bit.

Reader/ Me: N-no Eren and Levi weren't mean to me. I did try to patch Levi up earlier. So that's okay, I think.

Hange: Hehe I trained you well in being a medic. I am relieved to hear those two weren't mean to you. I have noticed since I returned after, being away. Levi has taken quite the liking to you. I also see Eren has been trying to be better around you and him. That brat.. at times was such a handful as he grew up.
Well let me know if you need anything, I really do think you should rest though. I remember Levi mentioning training. I just don't want him to snap at you.

Reader/Me: Alright, thank you Hange. I'll see you tomorrow. Night.

I leaned over to set my phone down, only to accidentally miss it. Causing it to crash down onto the floor. Meanwhile, Levi was just passing by my room when he heard my phone drop to the ground.

He tilted his head wondering. 'Is she even sleeping???' Shaking his head he tiredly stumbled into his room. The man had a lot on his mind. There was a lot to be done. there may not be titans here right now, but you could never know what happens here either. There is sill filth in this time as well.

- To Be Continued 🌹

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now