♣♠ Titan's Heart Part 1♦♥

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I might of been part of squad Levi, but at times it was flip flopped depending on the circumstance. There were times where Erwin ordered me to join Mike's squad, or even Hanji's at times. Saying that being around the women would help me get along with all these males around, and help me get use to my life.

There was still a lot of training I needed, but Erwin knew something about me was special, and that staying in Levi's squad most of the time would come in handy. But Levi being his interesting person wouldn't always...help out, so then I was forced to ask Hange, or Mike for assistance. I personally was scared to ask Erwin much since he was the big boss, even if he was nice, and respected Eren, and women. I still felt weird around him. Funny how Mike wasn't even scary to me, even if he was a wall standing in front of me, but not close to how tall he was compared to Levi. I felt bad for the raven haired man, I wanted to help, but didn't know how.

After the event of almost making Levi face plant the dirt, we went to training, and he shook off what happened. He as back to his stoic mood once again.

'Dammnn.....I still can't see.' I looked out into the blurry forest, biting the inside of my cheek. I had misplaced the glasses Hange worked so hard to get me, and now I was blind as a bat with my own eye, while the other was kept shut. I tried many times to open it, but it stung like hell. Knowing my wound might even start bleeding if I did so.

I watched from next to Hange's side, seeing Eren get ready for his round of training. Armin, and Mikasa went first. After Eren, Jean was supposed to go, and then me....

I swallowed a lump in my throat. Keeping my head turned at a angle so Hange couldn't see that I wasn't wearing my glasses.

Levi's stood up on a high branch judging the others. This worried me even more. Making me have a sickish feeling in my stomach.

I sit down on the ground from where I stood. Making the brunette next to me call out. "You okay there____?"

I avert my eyes still." Yup, Im fine." I lied.

*sniff* Mike took in a breath from a few meters behind us.

He crinkled his nose. 'Liar....' He told himself with concern, but let it slide for now.

I looked at the nice green grass as I spoke. "Ah..Hange..."

"Mh, yes?" She looked at me kindly from the corner of her eye. I wasn't sure how to ask, but I forced it out of myself. I spoke quietly. "...I heard.....that I have the ability.....to control...Eren's titan feelings......"

"Oh having a change of heart?" She chirped, with a grin. I shake my head, making her face drop blank, and quiet.

"......Is it really true...., I mean I feel like I don't do anything. I kinda would like to understand more." I trailed off a little, as Hange listens to my heart's voice.

Mike was now leaning against a tree only slightly hearing my words. Everyone else was far away.

"Mhhh......* she crosses her arms, not looking at me keeping her job of watch in check* sounds to me...you are interested in titans, and want to know more."

My eyes widen. 'WHAT!?' " I..I..am???//?" I blinked at the ground.

"I think so my dear....., that's not a bad thing. Seeing you are standing next to me now."

"Uh..." *Thump* I flop my face down into my knees.' I can't believe it. Am I turning crazy??????' Titans were out enemy, unless Eren like attentions. I was almost a eye to eye level with the grass.

"Uhhhh...............*I groan* so what if I am..........." I speak in a low voice. Mike could hear it now, and his eyes narrowed....with boredom, and having enough of Hange's world, and mind. 'Hange just don't her to some crazy person.....' He thought to himself. Worried for my safety, and everyone's well being. Just the thought of two Hange made chills hit his spine, it felt soo....wrong....

'Thank god...Levi there can't hear this...' Mike looked at the raven haired man standing on the branch still. For he could pop a blood vessel if he heard mine, and Hange's conversation.

"....I just.....feel is wrong........, like titans are bad..........right....so......."

"I felt a slight pat on my head from above. "Don't worry about it. It's not bad for being curious. Like you said...Eren is different so helping him isn't bad, even if he his a titan shifter." My face was still staring at the ground. "........"

"....if you would like. I can teach you what I know, if it will make you feel better." I looked up just a bit at her voice. I felt my heart pulse hard. "....doesn't mean shorty there needs to know of it."

"....he'd probably get angry at me.....i'd be scared to even tell him."

"Cadet ___!!!" A loud voice called towards me, cutting my thought off.

"!!!" I snapped my head, up seeing Levi, and the man calling my name. I grit my teeth. It was my turn. "You are next! take position."

"Ha.....guess it's my turn." I stood up not facing Hange. She watched me rise off the ground, along with the others.

Mike, looked up hearing my name get called, seeing me rise too. He sniffed the air seeing it was clear, but still he thought it was too early for me to get forced.

* Tap...tap...tap. * I began to walk forward. "Goodluck out there ____...!" Hange tried to be happy for me, even though she knew how hard this was on me.

I take in a deep breath, and turn to face her while walking backwards. "I'll do my best." I smiled.

"!!!" Both the brunette's, and blonde's eyes widen seeing my face, with no glasses on it.

"!!" Hange was shocked, was I really going to do this with no glasses?! where are my glasses she began to panic a bit, seeing me just walk out there ready to take the world. 'Oh no, but she's basically blind! crap!' She bit her lip, knowing she had no shot on calling this off, that, and promising ____ not to tell anyone.

Hange clenched her fist, and stood strong for both of us. While Mike walked up next to her.

"You are worried aren't you?" His low voice caught her eyes. "Yes...., very...."

They didn't know that each knew, Mike knew from both sides, but Hange had no idea Mike knew, she thought only Erwin knew that I had glasses.

I walked up to the starting line area. Adjusting everything around me. I pull the bandage off around my eye, and toss it aside.

Levi, Hange, Mike: "!!!" All their eyes widen seeing the white fabric fall to the ground. They knew what I meant, I was meaning business, and was hell bent on surviving.

They all swallowed, as the count time started.

"Ready Cadet!?" The man's loud booming voice hit me.

"Yes, Sir!!" I call back. Even though I felt my blood freeze in me. However, little did we all know, that the Levi above us all in the tree. Was gripping the box that held my glasses.

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now