Friends With A Titan Shifter

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* THUD!* I land hard on the ground.

" hurt." Suddenly my eyes snapped open in shock. "OH MY! Eren!" I gasped looked down at the boy lying there peacefully.
It looked like he was asleep. ".....Er-ren..?" I slowly looked over him.

Eyes shut.

His face looked like a angel. (Oh....did I just say that...haha stupid me.) I barley even knew Levi, and his cadets. I shake the thought out of my head. Friends, there where just friends.
I looked up at the giant titan body, only to see it burst into steam.
"TCh..! Ah hot ...!" I panicked grabbing Eren, and pulling him away about 10 meters away from the vanishing titan body.

"...Sorry..Eren.." I lay him up against the tree to let him sleep. I heard roomers saying it tiered him out a lot. That , and......

I failed at actually lifting him up. I had to drag him away.

I felt my head pound again. ( Maybe...a little nap wouldn't hurt...) Sighing I moved to the other side of a tree, feeling strange that I saw him sleep. I myself didn't like having others see me sleep. I would lock myself away just to sleep.

"Ha....." I lay back on the ground. Pulling my scouts cape hood over my head. I shut my eyes, falling into darkness right away.

My senses came back to a presence near me. Very slowly I opened my eyes, feeling the burning pain of my body. I didn't want to move.

I looked up only to see a flash Eren titan looking back down at me. This made me jump inside. (WHAT!) I blinked again, to see just Eren...with his emerald eyes shinning down at me, with a questioning face. He seemed calm, but still something was on his mind. ( Feww......t-that scared me for a second...) Even if it was titan Eren I would know it was him. However, the fact that it was just him not in titan form, made me relax.

"____??" He called to me. I didn't know what to say to him. A sudden touch to my forehead caught me off guard. Making me hitch my breath.
"Good.., your not sick anymore." He grinned at me, pulling back his hand.
"A--ah.........." I just stared at him in shock. I looked up realising the sun was setting.

"Oh CRAP!" I sat up suddenly, making Eren fall back in shock from my outburst. "H_hold it ____! you really shouldn't be moving."
"EREN! We need to get back! or LEVI Will Have MY HEAD!" I began to panic, starting to walk out towards the lake. ( N_o no NO! how embarrassing! he saw me sleeping!) I could feel the heat rise in my face. (Never again , Never AG-)
I felt my arm get grabbed.

"Alright, I understand." This was not helping at all, I felt even more strange now. Thank god I was facing away from him." Don't worry we will get back, I will make sure of* I was suddenly turned around* It." I now faced his gentle emerald eyes. " I'm sure the Captain will understand, being late, and all. So please...don't worry."

I avert my eyes for a moment. "Thanks Eren." I sink to the ground. Making him jump to my side"What's the matter?" He whispered gently to me, while holding my shoulders.
I held a hand to my head, wincing to myself. ( Tch, I still have a headache) " It's nothing really, just my legs hurt a little." Eren gave me a sad look.
I looked up from my position, seeing Eren's Titan form flashing before my eyes. (It really is the same person, I didn't realise it as much, as now. Titan, or not both eyes held such emotion.)
Tilting his head he looked at me a little worried." Something wrong?" I shake my head. " No..., I just remembered you as a titan." The second I said that, Eren locked away his emotion on his face, and looked close at my face. His hand now on my cheek. He spoke. " Titan, or not I will never hate you. I'm truly happy you trust me, and I'm...sorry....that my teeth...scare you. I'll best to not worry you anymore." By now Eren was bowing his head at me. I just stared there in shock. At first he was scaring me, sending chills down my spine. Now out of no where emotions went flooding out of him.

"It's alright Eren." I smiled." You don't mean to harm, so I'm glad. It's pretty amazing that you can be a titan." ( To be honest... I liked your pointy ears)
I felt my stomach sink again, I realised I haven't eaten a thing for so long.

Holding his hand out to me, we began to up the massive hill. I was the only one with 3DMGear, but I was too weak to use it still. We had no choice, but go the old fashion way.

{ Erwin's Window}

The blonde man stood there in shock, seeing the two familiar figures walked towards HQ in the moonlight sky. A half dead_____ clinging to Eren's shoulder walking slowly.
(So there are finally back, Levi can you see this? Our brave Cadets.)

As a matter of fact, Levi did see this. Dropping his pen in shock, he watched with a emotionless face, but who said inside he wasn't emotional?

{Back to me}

"Come on _____, only a little longer." Eren had my one arm pulled over his shoulder.

"I'm fine Eren just sleepy....." I half limped, my legs where beginning to give out.

​​​​​​"You can't sleep here, we need to keep moving..." Eren whispered. I could tell by his voice, he was very tried. Sweat was building up on his face, and dripped onto his green neck laced shirt. I began slumping down farther.


"! ______..." Eren held me tighter, as I began to sink towards the ground." I-I'm legs are." Just before I could finish, I felt myself get lifted up.
"Just hold on, alright?" "Okay." I replied realising I was placed onto his back now. Eren began to carry me closer to the HQ's doors.
I could feel him breathing hard. He was working hard to get me back. All I could was bite my lip in frustration.I couldn't do anything, absolutely nothing.
(Tch,dammit....I'm so useless now.)

"Look at that." Eren's voice made me look up. Only to have my eyes widen.
There was Commander Erwin, and Lance Corpral Levi, welcoming us home. I could see a small smile on Erwin's lips, as we finally arrived.

"Welcome back Jeager, and _____. Good Work you two." Erwin greeted, with Levi looking back up at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I knew he was feeling at least something like relief.

"Get some sleep Cadets, we start...... at noon."
Now this caught us off guard. ( Noon? what dose he mean by noon? Levi is known to drag people out supper early from bed.)
"But Sir we don't-"

"It seems fit don't you think?" Levi looked up at the sky.
We all looked up in surprise. The sun was beginning to rise, and my eyes where starting to close. I felt happy, and warm. (We finally made it...)

"Her fever is gone." I heard a quiet whisper that sounded like Levi.
Eren only slightly nods, and kept on walking in.

Watching us go inside, Erwin begins to talk." You where right Levi, she is healthy again."
"Of course she is." Levi replied in a stern voice. Deep inside he could finally feel himself relax. Knowing that was one less crisis to worry about.

* Click....*

The door to my room was opened. Eren carefully carried me inside.
"Well, here we are." But he never got a reply.
Setting me down on the bed, and covering me with the sheets, he looked at my face. Only to see me peacefully asleep. ( Fast Asleep) Eren though with a smiled.

With that he closed my door, leaving me to sleep in the dark room with the curtains shut.

Levi sank down into his chair. Pushing up his raven bangs up with his hand. Looking to the wall he spoke.
"Erwin....I'm off for the next 5 hours."
This made a glint of colour his the blondes eyes. Knowing how stressed the Corporal was he understood.
"Of course." With that the Commander Erwin left, leaving the ravenette to rest.

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now