♣♠ Titan's Heart Part 6♦♥

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With these blurry eyes of mine, I couldn't barely focus on the approaching figure. 'Uh...I feel so stupid.' I was a member of the scouts, and I couldn't see the titan's properly, that and I was HIDING FROM THEM!

'💨 Then again I have a valid reason.'

*Thump.....thump.....thump...* It took large....slow steps. It was pretty tall, but didn't reach the height of the tree I was up in. Still That didn't mean they couldn't reach me from up here. The worst part was I couldn't move. My gear basically stopped working. 'Fffft.....I hate this...'

'Really hate this. I'd rather be cleaning the the stables on Levi's orders, even the hole castle. Then being unarmed basically, facing a titan, where I couldn't read it's intentions. It was gut wrenching.

I shake my head, and focused on the figure as it came closer. I kept one hand on the side of the trunk, had my back slammed against it. With my knees pulled up.

'W-what is it doing.....??' I blinked, It was moving it's head as it walked, as if looking for something.

It turns it's head to the side, looking down towards it's out of sight feet.

'?.?huh?' I tilt my head. '💦This has to be a abnormal, but still...this is weird.* It keeps looking down* ?.?.? did it step on something it hates? What a strange giant man eating titan.'

Even this made my head hurt. Hange for sure would of gotten a kick out of this, seeing one act even more out the weird the many abnormals. *Thump....thump...* It suddenly started walking towards my area again. I could feel the tree shake beneath me.

It was weird to say, that it didn't even look dangerous. 'AH Stupid___!! all titans are basically dangerous.What am I saying?' I must be losing it from being up alone in a tree for hours.

I keep watching it with one eye, that stung...to no end. Even if I could keep it open I risked having the cut around it bleed. It was a risk I had to take, not seeing at all was even worse.

"....." I watched it walked closer...., and closer.

I could see more features of it begin to show itself to me. It had....tanned skin, not super tan, but it wasn't pale either. 'Woah...' I grasped the tree with my one hand, seeing it look left, and right again. 'Oh...p-please...don't look up here...' I told myself in my mind. I didn't want blood thirsty haunting eyes looking up at me.

*Thump....* It suddenly stopped directly under me.

'!! ha...ha....oh my....c-crap...' I couldn't barely keep words in me anymore. I felt more chills slam into me from my back to the side of my face. As if I was being slapped, by a angry Levi. Then again I never have seen Levi actually slap a person....let alone a girl

Maybe that was something new that would happen.

"Mnnnnnngh......." I could suddenly hear a low rumble form under me, making my whole body shutter. It was such a low....sound....that sounded like. 'W-wwait...bored?' Was that giant titan having a famous bad day? Didn't know titans had bad days. It was us who had them from being at the doors of death from them being around.

I narrowed my blurry eye down at the titan below. It hit me. This titan had.


looking long hair.....

Now that was weird.... it was rare for a titan to look almost human, and not creepy. 'Sounding like Hange again....I swear......'

Suddenly it move it's head, and look me dead in the eyes.

"!!!!!!!!" I gasped, it's large eyes locked onto me. I froze in pure shock. I couldn't recognize it's face. I couldn't see it. So it just looked like a creepy titan to me.

I could see steam rise a bit from a space between it's teeth. 'N-no...stay away..sta-'

"Mnngh..." It said again, when suddenly I see it begin to raise it's hand up towards me.

I felt like I was going to choke! I couldn't barely breath, as my voice came out raggedly. "N-no..! st-stay away." I breathed. When It's hand suddenly stopped. 'Y-yeah that's it! b-back off!. I'm unarmed, I can't make a fun game for you. You enjoy playing games with us right? before you eat us. So it wouldn't be fair, to just suddenly grab us." 'W-why am I even saying this? I mean they don't usually care, but it's hand suddenly stopped moving. Was it listening to me?'

"Mmmmghhff." It said again.

"Hey! I'm warning you! I'll make you a deal, if I can get off here alive. I'll play the game of life, and death? how does that sound?" I say looking down from the corner of my eye at the two blades jammed into the side of the tree.

It just stared at me with those large eyes. That seemed to have a color in them, but sadly from my vision I couldn't make it out. It looked grey one minuet, then some dark cloud, or possible blue? It was soo hard to tell.

Then suddenly it's arm began to rise towards me again. *THUD!* I slammed myself back into the tree. Feeling a pain sting me in the back. "Tch....damn..." I winced a bit through my teeth.

"N_No! p-lpease! can we talk this through!?" I placed my one hand on my leg begging to it almost. " Look! your a nice titan for not coming at me so fast, your quiet, not noisy, violent, and I respect that. What if I make a deal to never come, and attack you? If you don't hurt the one I most care about, or of my top best friends.

It didn't say anything, but it's sharp...eyes still watched me. I slammed myself back even, more I began to force myself up to a standing position, and basically hugged the tree form the back, as the large hand began making it's way to me.

"Mnnff." It suddenly stopped right dead in front of me. I slammed my eye shut for a second. "Tch, l-look I'm very sorry...if I have harmed you in the past...j-just please....." I opened my eyes again. Feeling something slide down the side of my face.

"MMnnnn......." This was a different sound now. It seemed quiet...., and not...really dangerous. Suddenly I felt my hood began to move off from the top of my head, and fall down. I was suddenly met with large....emerald eyes.

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now