This Is Not A Order Part 2

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I now stood before them. On the ground. Faced with 5 figures before me. 'Uhhh....the horror...' Because I hated being stared at. I would rather lock myself up now and clean up, and look decent. According to most of the things Levi said. I looked like Sh!t, and there was no denying it it was clear as day.

Eren was just cut out of his titan form, and he was awake, but a little tired. Erwin, Hange, Mike, Levi, and Eren all watched me.

"Not bad sir." I replied like a robot with a salute.

This made Levi's eyebrow go up in disgust, and confusion. I sounded soo...unnatural, and nothing like the usual me. Erwin held it back in, and just smiled like Hange, while Mike held his poker face. Kinda paying attention, and zoned out. I didn't blame him, he was most likely very tired.

"I see, well that is good.* Erwin still smiled, but it was fake* However, I can't let this slide easy, so I'll just say it." The blonde paused.

All eyes were on Erwin now. "Go, and rest. You will be on standby till you are in good health." *Tap* Erwin took a step forward, and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Take care of yourself. If you need anything ask any of us."

I nod my head. "T-thanks." I said in a low voice, feeling his hand tighten on my hand behind my back. Gently forcing me to stop saluting, as he slid my backhand down. I fully dropped my arms. I still didn't drop my guard of the pain I was in. Erwin walked by me like it was nothing, but he could tell I was holding back. It saddened him a bit. He was sort of like a Uncle figure to me, because I never remembered to have ever knew, or remembered that I had one. Thanks to the mind block I had since that day. Still he was a nice man.

Then there were the others. Did I forget to say I wasn't actually looking at them? nope I had my eyes closed so it was hard to focus on what was going on with all these people around. It sent chills down my spine, I hated being so vulnerable.

*Sniff* "??" I heard something not far from me. "Hmm..."

"!" I felt a chill of surprise hit me. It was Mike, I could tell by that mumble. "I'll be around still, if you need anything." With one last sniff , and a fast pat the tallest blonde walked by me, with a soft breeze flying by us at the distance put between us. I turned on my feet to search for his shadow that shows in my eyelids still. I felt so lost.

*Cough* "Well! guess it's my turn." I felt a sudden hand get placed on my shoulder,and turn me around. The voice of Hange couldn't be missed. I was now faced with her. The arm suddenly slug around the top of my shoulders, and fell around my left neck. "Hey now! this will end soon! before we know it you will see once again." I suddenly snapped into reality again, as a low grumbled came from my other side.


"Oh Levi, you here?" He went quiet. "OF course he is! what did you think? He just loves you too much to leave you alone like that.

"Tch, say that again, and i'll kick your ass. Foureyes..!" "Haha funny, not with ___ around. Plus you can't with this awesome headlock.

'WHAT!?' Levi is like me?' That meant he was on my far left, with Hange in the middle.

"Haha! now smile! he are together, and alive." She said trying to make us happy, and not stoic in our hearts. Literally we were trapped by this titan loving women.

"💢Tch, can you let me go now?! or would you like to find yourself a spotless office." Cold words hit.

"💦Ahh yeah sure." Hange dropped Levi. As The he stood up straight, backing away, and adjusting his cravat. By the meaning of the world 'Clean.' Levi really meant by throwing all her crap out, and not leaving one drop. The would most likely make Hange faint on the spot from horror of all her work vanishing.

"What will you do then cadet?"

{Time Skip}

"💢What will I do? Heh guess is it really! that hard?!" I was fuming now.

Because Mr. cleans a lot made me waltz up to my room, and locked me inside it. With a bodyguard for gods sake outside my door! Can you guess who that was? of course! the one most fitted for it was none other than the tallest blonde Mike.

"Urghh...!!" I screeched in my room, slamming my head down on the bed.

{Flash Back}

"Don't you dare move your ass till you get cleaned up. You smell like titan sh!t. Got that?" And that wasn't the end of his cold steel gaze.

"Hey! Erwin."

"Mh? what is it Levi." The blonde pushed off the harsh words of the shorter man. "Who is the best suited for a guard here?"

"And just who are you inquiring here?" Erwin looked at Levi.

"Her of course." Levi looked down on me.No make that looked up at me, and made me feel I sunk under his feet, like Eren who got booted in the face in the past.

{Flash Back End}

"UH! I can't''e believe Erwin Accepted this!" I still fumed.

"I thought you wanted to help me..., Erwin why..!? why did you agree." I whimpered now, feeling the heat still radiating off me, as I slammed my legs against the bed.

{Out side the door}

Mike was guarding the door, while sighing at my outbursts. This was for my own good, and not just my room, but window was locked too.

* Tap tap tap* "How is she?" Hange walked up to Mike with a tray in her hand.

"Still kicking." Mike said with a half hearted smirk. It was funny, but also saddening at the same time.

"Gahh...!! Levi why, whhhhyy..!...." I hollered from inside.

"💦Ah. Guess it's best to wait then." The two looked down at the tray she held, of food, and healing supplies. Knowing I might make a even bigger mess, or spills or damage if they stepped in now.

"Let her, blow off some steamm for now. By the sounds of it, she seems just as dangerous as Levi like this."

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now