♠Straight Answer♦

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{The Next Day}

Well I officially made it out here alive. I was on the training grounds. However.......,

I wasn't alone.

'💢Uh...seriously...?' This was kinda insane. When I told Eren to ask Hange to pull some strings to get me to go. I didn't actually mean I'd try to use my gear. Now I got this flock of...stronger.....males....near me. More like spread out.

* Surroundings space out*

There was Levi hanging out on a tree with his gear, watching the other cadets practice. While keeping a watchful eye on me. He was very....against this hole thing of letting me out. Hange, and Erwin must of done some good mind games with him that gave the shorter man a headache to let me come.

It was sunny where I was. Saying it would be better for the healing me, and if I had any hidden cold in me. The sun could burn it out of me. I saw some tall guy kinda like a brother of Erwin's standing at the edge of the forest calmy. Honestly I didn't even know his name. He seemed to be good friends with Hanji, as she would go up, and speak to him happily. Erwin was near a tree in the shade watching me...., along with Hanji who was in the sun beaming.

Poor...Eren...was forced by Levi to go train. I knew he would come back soon, because Erwin told Levi to let Eren hang around me while Mikasa was out. Since he seemed more cam around me, and if he would turn into a titan, they would have a better chance of living with me, and not getting hurt.

I didn't fear Eren's titan form really anymore, but it did worry me thinking. 'If he was going to lose control..., how bad would it be? could I spot him? or will he...attack me....'

I let out a sigh.

"Tch....." Levi rolled his eye up in the tree. Right now he wanted to be on ground floor, not up here, and make Hanji do this.

I was still...half blind. The bright sun helped me navigate better, but I would have that odd moment where i'd wobble. Making everyone freak out on the spot. They where such scaredy cats, even Levi twitched more at than Erwin.

'Ha....I'm just gonna go to the lake.' As I told myself that, I realised that this was the same place I woke up next to titan Eren. *T_Thump!*

The crystal clear water. The warm sun, it all made me really happy. I shuffle over while I felt eyes on me.'......guys relax god..I'm gonna be fine. It's just water.'

There was a tree next to me where I stood in front of the water."Mnnnnnah...! " I stretched my arms, yawning. It felt like ages since I slept. Maybe cuz all my sleep was dreamless or nonexisting.

I wanted to dip my feet into the water. So I sat down on the ground. Pulling my boots off one by one. As I stepped one foot into the water. Till a sound caught my off.

"....hm... I wouldn't do that if I were you....."

"..huh??" I turned my head to the side. Seeing that tall blonde I got no idea who is near me.. Not only that, I hear him sniff.

'Does he have a cold?' He looked so bored, but problem on alert just like all those....guys.

"Ah....* I was surprised, when did he get here?*..it's just water..., plus its warmer.." * sssss...* I stepped in it with both feet.

The blonde stared at me. Soo I tried to ask a question. "Who...are you anyways? I don't think we met before?"

I was a little scared from him, he was sooo tall..., but seemed peaceful.

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now