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  December 2017, Helsinki

   Niko's Pov

This year passed by quite slow. I was living alone most of time since Kristy was in Haarlem doing her studies.

We spend a lot of time hanging out with Joel and Joonas And Tommi with Olli traveled quite usually here from Oulu, Most of time because we had band things to do in the studio.

The last months I haven't been feeling really alone though. After years of being alone I found a new partner.
Minna.  We've been seeing each other for some months and I'm thinking that we're taking good and steady steps.

We spend a lot of time together and I enjoy a lot her company. I have finally found someone that makes me happy or at least I hope that I do.

The most funny thing that happened with Minna was when I introduced her to Kristy.
Just one month before Kristy finished her studies and returned back from Netherlands, Minna had started to spend lot of days and nights in our shared apartment, so I didn't know how would Kristy react if she saw Minna and I wasn't sure about how I should tell her but she found out alone.

She came back in Finland two days earlier than we expected her and she found Minna cooking in the kitchen, so everything took it's turn and I explained how things were.

Gladly she didn't take it in any bad way and she was happy about me, as she said I finally found someone.

She also spend lot of time talking with Minna, getting to know each other and I'm sure that Kristy can finally have also a girl friend and they can have lot of fun together.

When Kristy came she also decided to leave the house to me, she moved to Joel's and had been living with him for over a month now.

"I don't need to be between you" she had said when I asked her why she was leaving

Of course we had a big chat that day and she explained me that she also wanted to live with Joel but also it would be better for me and Minna to have our personal space.

"This room will be always yours though" I told her that I would keep her room the way it was and wouldn't let anyone sleep or live in there. Any time that she wanted she would come and spend a night or even more time here.

We got this house together, so it's not only mine but we both own it.

No matter where she will live, this place will always be hers too.

Today I'm waiting for her and Joel to come here in some hours or minutes.

Some time ago she decided that she will spend six more months studying in Haarlem because this way she can get a proper diploma.
I was really surprised when she told me two weeks ago but I'm with her in whatever step she decides to take in her life.

Even if that means that I will have to be away from my best friend for six more months.
That's why phones exist, to bring people that are living apart, closer in some way.

I was sitting in the living room with Minna waiting for Joel and Kristy or as I call them our lovebirds and in some time Joonas would come too since her flight is tommorow and she wanted  to spend some time together, Tommi And Olli won't be able to attend now but they will surely come in the bar in the evening.

Soon there was a ring in the doorbell and I walked to open the door, waiting to face both, Joel and Kristy but she was  standing infront of the door, with her suitcase next to her and tears in her eyes.

So many thoughts running through my mind, but I don't think that I can find out what happened without hearing something from Kristy.

"Why didn't you use your keys" Minna said while she was walking to us but stopped as soon as she saw the state that Kristy was.

Still I Can Feel You - Joel Hokka Where stories live. Discover now