Happy Birthday

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10 January 2016, Oulu

Today it's Kristy's b'day.
She actually decided to have a party and just two day ago Niko told us that we're invited there.

I actually didn't want a lot to attend but we all know how those things go. Everyone will go and i had to appear.

I asked Johanna if she wanted to come with me so she can get to know Kristy and this way we can spend some time together but again she had plans already. Porko is gonna be happy about this, he never liked her and never will.

Before leaving my apartment I had another argument with Johanna. She again wasn't  sure if I was telling the truth that I'm just going in a party but I didn't want to get it out of hand again and I just left without saying another word.

Yesterday I also went to buy her a present. I wasn't really happy about it but it would be rude to go in her birthday party without a present.

It took me more than an hour to pick something but I end up buying a perfume. I'm sure that this was enough for someone I hardly know.

It was 9 pm and I was already infront of the door of Niko's apartment. So now they're living together? All the times I've been here I've never seen her actually.

I knocked on the bell and waited. Soon the door opened and she appeared.

She was wearing a black dress with high boots and had kept her hair down.
If we're talking for her appearance then Niko is lucky but I'm not sure about her character.

I walked in and gave her the bag

"You didn't have too" she smiled

"It's nothing and Happy Birthday" she thanked me and we both walked in the living room

Everyone was already there, sitting in the couch and drinking. Of course Joonas had a beer on his hand and I'm sure he's been like that the whole time since he came.

Kristy gave me also a bottle and we all sat down. She went next to Niko and he put his arm around her.
They are really happy.

Also in the party there was only our band and her. She doesn't have other friends? Poor girl.

"Thank you for coming guys" Niko got up and held his bottle up "So I wanna wish to Kristy all the best. I'm so grateful to have a best friend like her and now she's turning a year older. 19 years with you and still feels like I got to know you yesterday. Happy birthday" they clicked bottles with her and then we had to click all together

Okay so I was wrong and I didn't hear right last time. She's not twenty but she's turning nineteen

"Thank you for having us here, we're really happy that you wanted to spend this day with us" Olli said and she gave him a huge smile

After some time they had also put music and she was dancing with Niko and Joonas. Olli And Tommi were chatting and I decided to walk out in the balcony to get some fresh air.

Too much noise right now and I couldn't take it. I preferred to be alone outside for a bit.
I sat down and took a sip from my second beer for today.

The town was so peaceful at night and the view from Niko's apartment is adorable. I could really spend a whole night out here.

I checked my phone and there were some messages from Johanna asking me to send pics so she could know that I'm for real at Niko's but I ignored them. I can't keep up with her behavior now.

After some time someone walked out and sat next to me.

"Why are you here all alone?" Unfortunately it was a female voice and the only woman here is Kristy

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