
156 16 21

   July, 2017 Haarlem

  We spend quite a lot of time in Kristy's bedroom.
Playing music, talking or just looking at each other.

I finally said it to her, she's officially my girlfriend.

"You know" I said to her and stopped playing with her hair "I didn't know when I should tell it to you" I looked in her eyes "I was afraid that it would be so early and about your reaction"

Once again she got up and sat in her knees, she placed her hands on top of mine before speaking

"I've been thinking about this too" she smiled "and believe me I really thought that you would be so shocked if I told you this" she laughed "but now I will tell you I love you till you get bored of it"

Bored of it? I would never get bored of hearing those three words leave her lips. It sounds so beautiful when she says it

"I will say it million times everyday" I smiled too and before I could say something else she pulled me for a kiss 

We spend some time sitting there, talking about how much we missed each other. Her telling me about how her studies are going, that she's improving in everything and how good friends she's starting to become with Aleksi as every day passes by

In less than ten minutes we were already in the kitchen though. We joined Aleksi since he was left alone but also because he was preparing some food.

Aleksi is a really good cooker and I definitely love the food he made.
I've tried it quite a lot of times the days I've stayed here and I would always empty my plate.
He has been leaving alone for a really long time so obviously he would have to learn to cook for himself and he's definitely good.

"Thank you" I gladly took the plate that he offered me and we all sat in the kitchen table, enjoying our meal

After some time and after everyone finished the food we got a bottle of wine and three glasses and went in the living room, since we had some time till we would leave for Amsterdam.
Today we're going in the canals of Amsterdam and of course Aleksi will come with us. He knows lot of places and will show us around and actually the previous time I was here I didn't visit Amsterdam so now that's the chance.

We sat in the couches and I filled the glasses with the red liquid.

Kristy sat next to me in the couch and I placed my arm around her while Aleksi was sitting opposite us, facing us.

"So when are you planning to return to Finland?" I asked Aleksi aftet spending some time talking about nonsense things.

As I know he will finish his studies in some months since it's been years since he started but I don't know when exactly

"Probably in November" he moved his shoulders up "I of course need to find a house first but I think I have some time till then" he said and I nodded

The month when Kristy finishes her classes and returns back in Finland too.
Maybe Aleksi could return earlier or actually they could travel together because their friendship is developing fast and I'm sure that they don't want to lose contact.
Not like I want to lose contact with him, he's a good man and I would definitely want to hang out with him in Finland and this way he could get to know the others better too.

We have a lot things in common, for example a dream we are sharing.
I get to know about it one morning when Kristy was in the university and I stayed with Aleksi the whole time

He told me about his dream. Becoming a well known musician and really successful. Everyone gets to know him and he can pass his message to his crowd through his music and songs. He will be able to travel and tour around the world and gain more and more fans everywhere and everytime that will like him about his songs, about his thoughts that appear through them.

Still I Can Feel You - Joel Hokka Where stories live. Discover now