36. shura field

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For Father Jing's suggestion to let him rest at home for a few days, Zhuo Jingheng was not surprised at all.

He could even guess that this was related to Wei Shaoting, but he didn't bother to raise an objection - it was better to rest for a few days, anyway, he hadn't figured out how to face Zhou Zhiyu yet.

He didn't go to work, Zhou Zeroyu didn't ask, as if he suddenly disappeared from his life, only a photo exposed on the Internet from time to time reminded him that the net woven by Zhou Zeroyu was still approaching him all the time.

The only thing that is fortunate is that none of the photos capture his face, otherwise, I am afraid that Father Jing will pass out with anger.

But on the other hand, this must have been planned by Zhou Zeroyu a long time ago, the old man has too many eyes, Zhuo Jingheng thinks about it, and he can't guess how Zhou Zeroyu plans to end in the end.

On the third day of squatting at home, Zhuo Jingheng received two gifts.

One was sent by Zhou Jin, a black men's dress, the cut is not bad, that is, it is too decent, it looks ordinary, and it is far from the "exquisite and gorgeous" described in the novel.

That's right, Zhou Jin is extremely disgusted with Jing Heng, how could he bother choosing a dress? The so-called "exquisite and gorgeous" should be because Jing Heng in the novel has its own lover filter. Even if Zhou Jin sent a pair of ripped jeans, he thought it looked good.

Zhuo Jingheng put on gloves, carefully groped along the collar of the dress, and sure enough found a very thin and inconspicuous needle, and a thin and long hose that was sewn into the collar.

Zhuo Jingheng wanted to take out the needle and tube, but found that the collar of the dress was very well sewn, unless it was cut with scissors, he could take things out, but if he cut the dress, he couldn't fool Zhou Jin.

Zhuo Jingheng thought for a moment, opened the door, and called out the maid Jinwen, who was used to serving him.

Zhuo Jingheng secretly rejoiced that Zhou Jin was perfunctory and bought not the only piece of haute couture, which gave him the opportunity to steal beams and change columns. He handed the clothes to the brocade and carefully instructed: "Take this dress and buy an identical one." Remember, don't be discovered by others, hear? 

Jinwen didn't ask more, nodded directly, packed his clothes and went out.

Zhuo Jingheng breathed a sigh of relief and went to open the second gift.

A very large box with no signature on it, Zhuo Jingheng opened it and found that it was also a dress.

It was a pure white tuxedo, the fabric was soft and textured, the design was novel and chic, the shoulders and left chest were decorated with thin tassels, and the end of the tassel was hung with small broken diamonds, and the light shone on it, making Zhuo Jingheng's eyes dizzy.

Compared with this, the set sent by Zhou Jin is simply ugly to the eye!

A piece of paper was attached to the gift box, and Zhuo Jingheng unfolded it and found that it was written in familiar handwriting: "The annual meeting will wear this and dance with me." "

That was Zhou Zhiyu's handwriting.

Zhuo Jingheng was stunned, the corners of his hooked lips slowly fell, his fingers curled, and he held the paper in his palm.

Zhou Zhiyu gave him a dress and wanted to dance with him at the annual meeting.

How mocking, he had previously begged Zhou Zeroyu to accompany him to the annual meeting to avoid Zhou Jin's conspiracy, but now, he wished that Zhou Zeroyu would not go, not to see himself wearing the inferior dress given by Zhou Jin, and being hugged by Zhou Jin and dancing.