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August POV

I can't tell how long I've been tied up here, but it's felt like months. Angel and I have stopped talking every day. We still try and check in with each other every once in a while. Demon hasn't been back in a while... which is good. 

I really thought someone would've found me by now. But I guess they have their own problems, so I get it... I guess.

August: Hey, Angel. You wanna talk?

She doesn't reply. That's odd, she's usually the one who asks me to talk. But she's been pretty quiet the last couple of weeks.

I look over to the mirror shard and see her sitting with her knees at her chin. She's faced away from me and I think she's crying.

August: Hey... what is it?

She turns to look at me, I see her cheeks are dotted with tears.

Angel: I... *sigh*

August: C'mon, you can tell me.

Angel: There's something I need to tell you... it's my fault we're in this mess, I- I deserve to be stuck in here

August: NO. No, you don't-

Angel: Please. Just... listen.

I really wish she would stop blaming herself, it's really not her fault. But... if she wants me to listen, I'll listen.

August: okay, I'm listening

Angel: *sigh* When Demon and I were created, in the Waiting Zone... I was the stuck in mirror.

August: W- What? How?

Angel: I don't know why or how... I just woke up one day... and I wasn't in the mirror anymore, and Demon was.

August: O-Okay... well, that still doesn't mean you deserve to be stuck in there.

Angel: But, why- Why did I get to be the one who wasn't stuck? What made me deserve that anymore than Demon did.

Is she trying to defend Demon?!?

August: Because you're a better person than she is.

Angel: ... what if that's not true, what if the only reason I'm not like her is because I wasn't the one in the mirror.

August: Look, I can't answer why you were the one who wasn't in the mirror and Demon was. But I do know you, and I know that no matter what, you wouldn't be a bad person, no matter the circumstances.

Angel: yeah... maybe. 

Angel POV

I love August, but I don't really know if I can believe her when she said I'd have never been a bad person. She can't know that for sure.

 I knew I shouldn't have brought this up with August. It's fine though, I'm better at talking with myself anyway.

August: Hey, I hate to ask this. But...

Angel: ...what?

August: If you were able to switch places with Demon when you first got here... could you do it again?

I...don't want to do that.

Angel: I don't even know how I switched places before.

August: Could you try?

Angel: I mean... how would I even find her?

August: Couldn't Demon hop through different mirrors before?

Did she have to bring that up...

Angel: ...yeah, she could.

August: Well...

If she really wants me too.

Angel: Alright, I'll... try.

I close my eyes and try and concentrate on finding Demon. I feel my surroundings change and I open my eyes and see I'm back in the mirror in my room.

I see Demon sitting on the bed doing her nails.

Then I remember something. For Demon to switch with me she had to make me go unconscious. I know Demon's a shitty person, but I don't know if I can bring myself to do that. I don't know how I could even do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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