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Rose POV

I've been trying to get Gabrielle out of her office for a few days now. She's not letting anybody in. She says she's working, but I doubt that. 

C'mon, I get she's anxious about what happened but it's still her job to take care of the town.

It's especially stressful because a new character is supposed to be coming into town today. It's usually Gabrielle's job to pick out who goes to get them, but she hasn't yet and I'm not sure what the plan is. And I don't think I'm socially skilled enough to do it.

Rose: *knocks door* Gabrielle? 

Gabrielle: *quiet* what?

I open the door and peek inside to see Gabrielle with her head on the desk.

Rose: We need to get the newbie into town soon.

Gabrielle groans and gets up from her desk. She walks over to the door and pushes it shut in front of me.

Welp, that didn't work.

I go back downstairs and get back to my desk. I sit there for a while trying to convince myself to do it when Iris walks in. 

Rose: Oh, hello Iris

Iris: Uh- Hi

Rose: What brings you here today?

Iris: Umm, I wasn't sure if you chose anyone to get the newbie yet, but if you haven't,  was wondering if I could do it.

Rose: You?

Iris: I mean...yeah. 

Rose: No offense, you just don't seem like the type to sign up for that.

Iris: Well, I remember how much Max helped me when I first arrived, I thought it'd be nice to do that for someone else.

Rose: Alright, you got the job. But you've got to go ASAP, okay.

Iris: Okay, I'll go now.

Rose: Cool, make sure to tell me when you get back.

Iris: will do

She turns and rushes out the door.

-------------------------Time skip---------------------------------

Iris POV

I'm driving back to the Waiting Zone to pick up the newbie. Max and Maddie let me borrow their car since I still don't have my own yet.

It's longer than I remember, but I guess it was just 'cus it was my first day.

I finally pull up to the tiny, one-room house that is the Waiting Zone

I park and hop out of the car. Walking up to the door, looking around something feels... different. I'm not sure why, but it seems calmer? That's odd. I knock on the door.

After a while of waiting for a response, I open the door and look into the room. I see a girl with blonde hair and dark roots sitting on the floor with her knees curled up to her chin. 

Iris: Uh...hello?

She turns her head to me and waves, but she doesn't say anything.

Iris: ... I'm supposed to be driving you into town.

She shows me a half-smile, before dropping it back to a frown.

Iris: Well, are you ready to go.

She nods and gets up. Walking outside and gets into the car. I follow her and get into the driver's seat. 

Iris: So... what's your name?

I don't get an answer, not that I expected to. I turn on the car and start to drive back into town.

After a little a while I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I turn my head to the newbie and see her holding out a small piece of paper. I grab it and see the writing on it. 

It says "Olive". What does that...oh

Iris: Is that your name? Olive?

She nods her head.

Iris: Well, hi Olive, I'm Iris.

Olive waves and smiles at me.

---------------Mini time skip---------------

We finally get into town and I've driven us over to the mayor's office because Rose asked me to bring Olive to her.

I get Olive and me out of the car, and we head inside the building.

Iris: Hey, Rose!

Rose spots me and rushes over, holding a stack of papers.

Rose: Oh! Hey, Iris. Good thing you're back so soon.

Iris: This is the newbie, Olive.

Olive waves at her.

Rose: Hello, Olive.

Iris: Oh, um *whispers* she doesn't really talk.

Rose: really? Why?

Iris: I don't know, she just doesn't.

Rose: Okay, well... that's fine, you don't need to talk. I just wanted to make sure you got here safe. Iris here is going to show you around the town and bring you to your house. It's our goal to make you as comfortable as possible. 

Olive smiles and nods. I think she mumbles something to herself, but I don't hear what she says.

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