Shut Me Up

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Shatter POV

Lexie and I got to the screening early, it's been pretty boring, but we don't really have anything better to do.

Lexie: Please, try and stay calm during the screening

"Stay calm" aka, don't freak tf out and scare everyone

Shatter: I know, I'll be fine.

Lexie: Well, as long as you don't make the screen explode again

Does she really need to bring that up?

Shatter: That was once, and Ruby shouldn't have gotten me so riled up

I cross my arms and try to scoot my chair away from Lexie. A few sparks fly off from the outlet.

I look down in disappointment.

Lexie: I'm sorry Shatter, I just don't want to give people another reason to hate us

Shatter: It's fine, I understand

I look up at the blank screen and see Gabrielle struggling to turn the screen on. I get out of my seat and step towards her.

Shatter: Hey, Gabrielle, do you need help

Gabrielle turns to face me, she stumbles back when she sees me. I know she didn't mean anything by it, but it still makes me feel like shit.

Gabrielle: I'm sorry, you startled me

Yeah, because I startle everyone.

Shatter: It's fine. Do you need help setting up the video

Gabrielle: Yeah, actually, I do

Shatter: Do you mind if I try?

Gabrielle: Go ahead.

I look at the control panel to figure out what does what. It takes a little time but the screen finally turns on.

Gabrielle: Wow, thanks, I could've never done it myself.

I smile to myself, it was nice feeling useful for once.


Maxine POV

Iris, Maddie, Gemma, Karen, Harley, and I all walk down to the screening together. We all take our seats and Iris offers me a seat next to her.

Gabrielle starts to walk towards us.

Gabrielle: Hello Iris, I'm Gabrielle, I'm the mayor of this town.

She leans forward and puts out her hand and Iris shakes it.

Iris: Nice to meet you

Gabrielle: I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet you sooner, but we were having some technical difficulties.

Iris: It's fine, Maxine has been a great host.

Gabrielle smiles at me, proudly, which makes me feel really good about myself.

Gabrielle: Well, it's time for me to start the video, I hope you enjoy this town and if you need anything, just ask me.

Iris: Will do.

Gabrielle walks up in front of the crowd.

Gabrielle: Alright, now that everyone's here, it's time to start the video

She pushes a button, and the video starts playing.

It opens with an old-fashioned tv playing an audio clip. The song title "Shut Me Up" was written across the screen. Then it shows a man sitting on a couch reading a newspaper and Iris cleaning a table (the song sounds badass btw). Then the guy screams at her to do the laundry, and I feel Iris flinch. After that it shows her folding laundry and, SHIT, THAT DUDE HIT HER ASS WTF. I look over at Iris irl and, oh god she's crying, I put my arm around her to try and comfort her.

Then it shows her doing dishes for him. And then, OH SHIT, in the vid, Iris was tied up with tape over her mouth, um, okay. It gets a little better after that with some clips of her singing & dancing in an amazing outfit. Then it shows Iris cooking for the guy and pouring him a drink. OH FUCK, THE DRINK IS POISON.

I glance over at Iris again and she's just staring at the screen blankly, her eyes still watering. I look back to the screen OH MY GOD, IS SHE SEWING HIS MOUTH CLOSED? I start to move my arm from around Iris, but she looks over at me, her eyes begging me to keep my arm there. As the music video went on, there were more clips of her dancing, and yup, I was right, Iris sewed the guy's mouth closed.

The video ends and everyone looks over at Iris, some in shock, most in fear or disgust.


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