Just a ghost

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Astra POV

Today's a pretty boring day. Like most days are for me.

Gabrielle's busy, and she's the only one who can see me so... yeah, it's pretty dull.

On these kinds of days, I just go around the neighbourhood and check in on everyone else (no it's not creepy stfu). I've been everywhere around this neighbourhood so many times it's kind of boring at this point, but I've got nothing better to do.

I'm gonna head over to Irene's diner, interesting stuff usually happens there.

----------------Time Skip--------------

I get to the diner and sit up on the counter. I look around and, oh god- all the food looks so good. Ugh, I miss having food. And yeah, sure, I don't need to eat to survive (one of the perks of being a ghost ig) but I still miss the taste, and the smell, especially Irene's food.

As my eyes are scanning the store, they fall on a table where Sam and Harley are sitting. They're chatting and Sam is... smiling. Aw, that's sweet, it's been a while since I've seen her smile.

I see Irene walk by holding a tray of donuts- oh my god I miss donuts, they're my favourite food.

As I'm looking away, I hear a loud crash coming from where Sam and Harley are sitting. I look back over to them and see them both on the ground next to each other, both with pizza sauce and cheese all over their faces. They both start to laugh- they are so cute. Sam helps Harley up. Sam wipes some of the pizza sauce off her face. Harley licks the sauce off of Sam's face in return and Sam blushes.

She pushes Harley back and they run out of the store. Wow- I ship it.

I remember Gab and I were first starting our relationship. Of course we were the only ones here. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if the only reason she chose me is that I was the only option... 

Whatever, I'm sure it's just me being insecure. Right? Yeah, she loves me, of course she does. God, I think being alone here so long is getting to me.

Ya know, I know I'm making it seem like being a ghost is the worst- but it's not all bad. There are some perks to it, like-

I can fly so it's easier to get around

I'm never tired... or hungry... or thirsty

I'm immortal, kinda, does it count as being immortal if I'm already dead? Whatever, either way, I'm gonna exist forever.

I don't have to worry about people getting annoyed at me/getting it people's way

I can go through walls


Well, I can only really think of five things, but it's really not that bad.

I fly out of the restaurant

--------Time Skip------------

I flew around the neighbourhood a bit. The Butterflies girls are having family drama- as per usual. Maddie and Gemma are dating- cute. And other than that, nothing's going on.

Yanno, I'm not supposed to, but what if I just flew out of town, not too far away, but it'd be nice to have a new setting for once. No one'll know, it'll be fine, I won't even be gone that long.

I fly up higher into the sky- ahh, the air is so much fresher up here. I move over the buildings and past the town's entrance.

Um, I've never been out of town before. Where do I go? Ugh- this is so stupid, I close my eyes and spin in circles. I stop and open my eyes- I guess I'm going this way. I start to fly out of town and soon the buildings fade into the distance.

After flying for a while I see a house some ways ahead- The Waiting Zone, wow it's been forever since I've been here.

Hey, the lights are on- that's weird. I fly closer to the house and look through the window. There's someone inside. What? We weren't expecting someone new. She also has a new look, she has bangs and... damn- her arms.

I should probably tell Gabrielle about this.

I fly back into town and over to Gab's office. I go inside. She's at her desk, looking down at her computer.

Astra: Hey Gab-

She doesn't look up from her computer.

Gabrielle: I'm sorry, if you have something to tell me, you'll have to schedule a meeting.

Astra: Babe. It's me.

Gabrielle: What? *looks up* Oh, sorry. What's up, sweetheart.

Astra: Well, I kinda... flew out of town

Gabrielle: What, you're not supposed to leave-

Astra: Not the time.

Gabrielle: Fine.

Astra: I went past The Waiting Zone and there was someone there... a new character.

Gabrielle: WHAT

Astra: ...yeah

Gabrielle: Fuck- I don't have time for this, I just got a report that August is missing, and your house is getting taken down, and- and-

Tears start to stream down her face. I move towards her and rest a hand on her shoulder.

Astra: Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay. You always figure something out, because you're amazing.

She wipes her cheeks and hugs me. I can't actually feel it, but the gesture is nice.

Ya know, I shouldn't say this, and I know it's... a little selfish. But it's nice to be able to do something for her, for once- it makes me feel not useless.

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