Birthday Surprise

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-----------------Time Skip--------------------------

Rose POV

Fuck- what's going on, Gabrielle was supposed to be out here an hour ago and she still hasn't shown up. 

Sam: Alright, where is she? You said she was going to be here an hour ago.

Rose: If I knew where she was would I be freaking out right now?

Sam: I mean, isn't it your job to know where she is? Kinda seems like you're a bad assistant.

What's that supposed to mean?

Rose: Ya know what...?

Sam: What?

Phoenix: We don't have time for this. I'm gonna go see where Gabrielle is.

Rose: No, no, Sam is right-

Sam: I always am

Rose: *sigh* She's right, it is my job to know where she is. So, I am going to go get her.

I head off towards the office, bumping Sam's shoulder as I walk past her. I see her grimace at me as I walk away.

I admit it was a little petty, but it was also quite deserved.


I finally get over to Gabrielle's and my office. I grab the handle and try to pull the door open... locked. It's fine though, I have a key. I slide the key in the slot, pull the handle, and the door swings wide open. 

Rose: Gabrielle?! You there!?

I didn't hear a reply, but she doesn't hear me sometimes. I stroll farther into the office. I head to the stairs and shuffle up to where Gabrielle's office is. When I get to the top of the stairs I see a weird glow of light across the floor.

Rose: what the-?

I look around and see that the light is coming from under Gabrielle's office door.

As I walk closer toward her office I start to hear quiet voices coming from the room. I'm so confused..

I reach for the knob on the office door. I normally wouldn't go in without permission, but I'm just so curious.

I push the door open. I walk inside and my mouth drops open with what I see.

Gabrielle was sitting where she usually sits, behind her desk with a chocolate birthday cake sitting in front of her. But the room is covered in light, seemingly generating from Gabrielle. And across from her is... is that Astra? 

Rose: W-What?


Gabrielle POV 

I guess we were too in the moment to notice Rose walk into the room. But when I heard the exclamation of surprise escape her mouth, I knew we had- I had fucked up. I got up out of my chair to stop her but she had already rushed out of the room down the hall. I need to go after her and find her. I turn to Astra.

Gabrielle:*sigh* look, babe, I know we wanted this to just be a night for us, but-

Astra: No, I get it. You should go talk to Rose.

Gabrielle: Thank you so much for understanding.

I give her a short kiss on the cheek, before bolting after Rose.

--------Mini time skip-------------

I finally caught up to Rose, running into the park onto the stage. I look around and see the scene of a party, probably planned for me.  I lean over to catch my breath. As I look back out to my would-be party guests I see faces of surprise, shock, and appall. What? What is it?

Then I realize, the scene has been doused in a haze of light. My light. 

Fuck- I forgot to turn off my power. How could I be so fucking stupid? I glance to my side, Astra's standing there, I never knew looking at someone so beautiful could instill so much fear. 

Rose: Gabrielle...?

Don't say it.

Rose: Are you?

Don't say it.

Rose: An Unstable?

My secret has been exposed and I could see my reputation falling with each shocked facial expression in the crowd. What an awful birthday surprise.

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