Not a date

14 1 1

Gemma POV

I never thought I'd say this, but I've actually been pretty concerned for Maddie. She's been spending all day, every day at the bar ever since Max rejected her. Hell, she even slept here last night. She hasn't even been drinking that much, she's just trying to avoid Max.

Max was in the bar yesterday and she actually had a panic attack, it's not healthy.

I look over from the table I'm serving and see Maddie slumped over with her head on the table. I should check on her. I walk back over to the counter.

Gemma: Hey, Karen?

Karen: Yeah?

Gemma: Could I take my break now? There's... something I need to deal with right now.

I point behind me at Maddie. She looks to where I'm pointing and a concerned look comes to her face.

Karen: Oh, yeah, take all the time you need

Gemma: Great

I walk over to Maddie and sit next to her.

Gemma: Hey Maddie, you good?

She lifts her head up and looks at me.

Maddie: *sarcastically* yeah, I'm fantastic

Gemma: Okay, 1- Watch your tone, B- You can't stay here, hiding from Max for the rest of your life.

Maddie: I mean, I could

I roll my eyes, stubborn bitch-

I grab her shoulder and make her un-slouch.

Gemma: No, you can't, plus you don't seem to be having much fun trying to.

Maddie: I- I don't know how to have fun without Max. I've never really done it.

Don't make fun of her, don't make fun of her.

Gemma: Well, I guess I could teach you to have fun without her.

Maddie: Really?

Gemma: Sure, there's gonna be like a party tonight at the bar, you could come with me.

Maddie: With you?

She raises an eyebrow suggestively. Ew, no.

Gemma: Not like a date, I just thought you would enjoy the party.

Maddie: Sure, I'm down to party

Gemma: One thing.

Maddie: What?

Gemma: I'm gonna need you to change, you've been wearing the same outfit for a week.

Maddie: But, what if Max is there

Man, she sounds pathetic

Gemma: She's usually out during the day, and even if Max is at home you don't have to talk to her.

Maddie: I-

Gemma: Now, the party starts soon, so you better get home fast.

Maddie: Alright

She gets up and runs out the door.


Maddie POV

I get to the motel and rush into the door.

I run past the kitchen and living room, into my room. I open my closet and pick out a black and white checkered skirt, and a black tie-front blouse. I get changed into the clothes I picked out.

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