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Phoenix POV

It's the day after the party and I just woke up. I check the time on my phone. It's 11 am, which is later than I expected but not the latest I've slept in. I go out to my kitchen and get some waffles. I use my powers to heat them up because it's faster than cooking them.

I finish breakfast and put my plate in the sink. Okay- now what? Sam's probably not up, she's usually out for the whole day after drinking that much. Things are SO BORING without Sam around. But staying inside all day sounds even more boring so I might as well find something to do.

I put on the gloves Sam gave me and head out the door. I walk down the steps and Gabrielle coming out of her house and August and Angel walking away from her, she looks kinda confused. I go over to her.

Phoenix: Hey Gab!

Gabrielle: Oh, hi Phoenix

Phoenix: What were you talking about?

Gabrielle: I'm not quite sure.

Phoenix: Oh, alright. So, are you doing okay?

Gabrielle: What do you mean?

Phoenix: Well, I know you didn't really want to talk about it, but you seemed really upset talking about Astra.

Gabrielle: Oh.

She looks down and I see tears form in her eyes.

Phoenix: Again, I know you said you didn't want to talk about it, but, it seems like not talking about it isn't making you feel better.

Gabrielle: I guess it's not.

Phoenix: So, do you want to talk about it?

Gabrielle : *sigh* Sure, come in

She opens her door and walks back into her place. I follow her and sit on the couch next to her.

Phoenix: So, how are you feeling? I mean really?

Gabrielle: I don't know... I'm just... I don't know, I'm probably just being dramatic

Phoenix: You're not being dramatic, just say how you feel.

Gabrielle: Well, when I lost Astra, it felt like I lost a part of myself. And now that they're tearing down her house... it just brings back so many memories.

Phoenix: I'm so sorry, it must be so hard what you're going through.

Gabrielle: It's not just that...

Phoenix: What do you mean?

Gabrielle: ...well... I... it's hard to explain.

Phoenix: Just try

Gabrielle: Alright, umm... it'll be easier if I show you.

I have no idea what she's talking about, but I'm trying to be helpful.

Phoenix: Alright.

Gabrielle: Here, I need to be somewhere with fewer distractions.

She reaches for my hand and starts to walk me to her room. Gabrielle sits on her bed and I sit down on the floor. What is going on?

Gabrielle: Hey, what's about to happen is gonna be kind of freaky, so please just... keep an open mind.

Phoenix: Umm... alright.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She looks like she's focusing on something, but I'm not sure what. After a few seconds, the room darkens and blue light starts to emit off of Gabrielle.

What the-?

A few seconds later I see- a... is that? Astra? Or at least the image of her, but she's transparent and she's floating. Is she... is she a ghost? I stand up to get a better look

Gabrielle opens her eyes and looks over to Astra. She smiles.

Astra: I missed you.

Gabrielle: I missed you too, babe.

Phoenix: Wait, so, that's actually...?

Astra: Oh my god! Phoenix, I haven't seen you in so long.

She floats over to me. I don't know how to respond. Am I seeing things?

She looks at me confused.

Astra: Oh, right, I'm a ghost. Yes Phoenix, it's really me.

Phoenix: H-How?

Gabrielle: It's... my power

Phoenix: Power?... Wait, does that make you an unstable, like me?

She nods her head.

Gabrielle: I-I never wanted anyone to know, I was afraid people would treat me differently.

Phoenix: I mean, they do treat us differently, but I get what you're saying.

Astra: Hello, I'm right here, you know, the one you haven't seen in forever.

Astra floats closer to me.

Phoenix: *laugh* it's great to see you, Astra, it really has been a while.

Astra: It's great to see you too. 

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