Somethings off

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Daffodil POV

I finish getting the store set up and go take my seat at the front desk.

After a few minutes, I hear the door open and I look up to see Angel walking into the store. That's weird, I don't think I've ever seen her in the boutique before, or really anywhere for that matter. She like- never leaves her house, especially without August who isn't with her right now.

Daffodil: Hi Angel.

She doesn't respond, she just walks past my desk and starts looking at the clothes. Kind of rude, but whatever.

As she's walking around the store, I notice something seems... off. Just... the way she's walking, her facial expressions, her mannerisms just looks... different.

Daffodil: So, what are you looking for today?

Angel: I'm not sure yet

Daffodil: Well, would you like some help?

Angel: No.

Daffodil: Are you sure?

Angel: Ugh, I don't need help, leave me alone.

Again, rude.

She goes to the next room to look at some of the... let's say revealing clothing. Which like- okay I'm not shaming her or anything, it just doesn't seem like her style.

A few minutes later she walks back out looking frustrated.

Angel: Why is there nothing good in this store!

Alright bitch-

Daffodil: I'm sorry you didn't find anything you like

Angel: Ugh, whatever

She storms past the desk and over to the door, I see her snatch a necklace as she leaves (I know I should probably stop her but I genuinely just don't have the energy).

Well, that was weird.

---------------Time Skip-------------

It's been like an hour since Angel was in the store and besides her, no one's been in the store all morning. Business has honestly been kind of slow at the boutique lately.

I look over at the door and see Shatter standing outside the door. She looks like she wants to come inside but she's just waiting there. Why is everyone being so weird today?

I get up and go outside to check on her.

Daffodil: Uh, hi Shatter

Shatter: oh- uh- hi.

Daffodil: I noticed you've been standing here for a while and I just wanted to make sure you're okay.

Shatter: Oh, yeah, um... I just wanted to talk to you but I didn't want to annoy you if you were busy so...

Why would she want to talk to me?

Daffodil: Well I'm not really busy, what'd you want to talk about.

Shatter: I was just wondering if you've seen August lately?

Daffodil: ...why?

Shatter: Oh- just because when Lexie and I were inviting people to our party we couldn't find her.

Daffodil: Well maybe she just didn't want to talk to you guys

Shatter: Uh- well- I-I asked her acting teacher and he said August hasn't been to any of her classes lately s-so

Daffodil: Alright, that is weird.

Shatter: Yeah

Daffodil: And come to think of it Angel was acting pretty weird, maybe that has something to do with it.

Shatter: Uh yeah, so, do you think we should do something about it?

Daffodil: Hmm... okay, how about you go and talk to Angel and ask if she's seen August and I'll go report a missing person's case.

Shatter: Oh uh- I don't know

Daffodil: You want to help don't you?

Shatter: Uh- yeah

Daffodil: Alright, then go talk to Angel.

Shatter: Um, okay...

She said okay but she's still just standing here- not doing anything

Daffodil: Well, get to it.

Shatter: Oh, okay

She turns around and starts to walk away.

I get out my phone to call Daisy.

Daisy: *over the phone* Hey Daff

Daffodil: Hi. get over here. Now.

Daisy: Why?

Daffodil: Something came up and I need you to watch the store for me

Daisy: How do you know I'm not also busy?

Daffodil: Well, you're the one who decided to stay out all night without permission, and yes I know you were lying, so now you're going to get your ass over here and run the store for me.

Daisy: *sigh* alright, fine.

Daffodil: Great.

I hang up the phone. I go inside and put up the 'be back in 10 minutes' sign before heading toward the police station.

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