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Harley POV

Sam and I are at her house, rehearsing our dance for the competition. We've been rehearsing for a couple of hours and she hasn't let me take a break.

Sam: I think we should go over the last part again just to make sure we've got it down

Harley: Alright

I crouch down and put my hands out. Sam runs toward me and steps up onto my hands. I carefully lift her up- god, I need to work out more. Sam puts a hand on my shoulder to help her stay balanced. I look up at her and nod. She nods back. I gently toss her into the air and she does a backflip, landing a few feet away. I take a step forward and do an aerial, landing next to her. Sam holds my hands as I do the splits.

Harley: K, we're done, can we take a break now?

Sam: Yeah, sure

FINALLY. I lay down on the floor. I'm too tired to get up.

Sam: Would you like some water?

Harley: Yes, please

I hear her pick up a plastic bottle before feeling it hit the back of my head. I sit up and grab the water bottle. I get the cap off and take a sip of water.

Harley: Hey, Sam?

Sam: What?

Harley: I was wondering if you could teach me how to do a backflip.

Sam: You sure you wanna do that now. You seem pretty tired.

Harley: Yeah, I'm sure.

I get up off the ground and Sam walks over to me.

Sam: Alright, well, first you need to stand with your legs shoulder-width apart.

She demonstrates it and I copy her.

Sam: then you need to swing your arms and then jump and tuck in your knees. Like this.

She does another backflip.

Umm, okay... I try to copy what she does but I end up falling on my back. Sam starts to laugh at me- but she like- snort-laughs.

Harley: Is that really your laugh?

Sam: Yeah, what about it.

Harley: I don't know, I've just never heard you laugh before.

Sam: Well, not many people have, so consider yourself lucky.

She crouches down next to me and offers to help me up. I take her hand and she pulls me to my feet. When I get all the way up I find myself staring into her eyes- has she always been this pretty.

Sam: So are you just gonna stare at me?

Shit- was I staring?


Sam: *snort-laughs* loser

She walks over to the door.

Sam: So, are you gonna go?

Harley: Umm, I don't have anywhere I need to be

Sam: well, do you wanna come inside

Harley: Yes!- I mean, yeah sure, whatever.

I walk over to her and she opens the door for me.

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