Not my fault

18 1 6

Maxine POV

It's 3 am-ish and I'm trying (and failing) to fall asleep on the couch when I hear a knock at the door. Who the fuck is at my door at 3 am?

Well, I'm not really getting anywhere trying to sleep, so I might as well see who it is.

I get up and walk down the hall to the door. I open the door and see Iris standing there.

Iris: Max-

Max: Iris? What are you doing here, it's like 3 am?

Iris: Um- I- it's kind of hard to explain, but I need your help.

She walks a few steps back and gestures at me to follow. She seems kinda flustered.

I know I should help her, but I'm so fucking tired.

Max: Right now?

Iris: Yes- Please, it's kind or urgent.

She runs up to me, grabs my hand, and starts to pull me toward her house. I can feel her hand shaking from stress.

Alright, fine- I guess I'm not sleeping tonight.

We get to her house. She starts to open the door, but then pauses.

Iris: Promise me you won't freak out?

Okay, what is going on?

Max: What? Why would I freak out?

Iris: Max-

Max: Sorry, sorry. I promise I won't freak.

Iris: *sigh* alright

She opens the door and we step in. She leads me to her living room and I see a body on the floor, his neck is bloody and there are threads, with needles on the ends, wrapped around it.

I take a few steps back from shock, but I try not to show how freaked out I am.

Max: Is- is he dead?

Iris puts her head in her hand and nods.


She looks away from me and tears start to form in her eyes. Oh shit- she's crying.

I walk over to her and put my arms around her to hug her.

Max: Hey... Iris, it's okay, you're okay. I'm sorry I yelled.

She moves her arms off me and wipes the tears from her face.

Iris: Thank you.

Max: Always. So, did you do this?

Iris: y-yeah, I did- BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT I SWEAR.

More tears form in her eyes.

Max: w-why? Why did you do it?

Iris: I... okay, I don't really... feel comfortable.. saying. But I promise it wasn't my fault.

Tears stream down her face. I hold her hand and rub her back trying to comfort her.

Max: It's okay Iris, I believe you.

She takes a deep breath and squeezes my hand.

Iris: Thank you, Max

I look over at her and smile and she smiles back.

Max: Hey, what's with the red string around his neck.

A flustered look comes to her face, she looks like she's trying to figure something out.

Iris: Okay, I know it sounds insane... but the red strings, just kinda... shot out from my hand. I have no idea how I did it.

Max: That actually doesn't sound insane.

Iris: What?

Max: Well, all the unstables have powers. This must be your power.

Iris: I- unstables-? Wha-? You know what, never mind, I'll ask you later.

Max: Alright, so, what should we do about, well.. him

Iris: I know it's a lot to ask.. but... could ya help me, um...

Max: What is it, Iris?

Iris: me bury it?

Max: Yeah, sure

Iris: Really?

Max: Sure, I've done weirder things.

Iris: Cool... wait, what have you done that's weirder?

Max: I don't want to talk about it.

She nods.

Iris: That's fair-

Max: Great, so we'll need shovels, and a bottle of wine.

Iris: Wine?

Max: Yeah, imma need to get real drunk to do this.

Iris: Well, I have wine, but I don't have shovels.

Max: I have some in mine and Maddie's car.

Iris: Why-

Max: Again, don't want to talk about it.

Iris: Aight.

Max: So, I'm gonna go grab the shovels.

Iris: I'll get the wine.

She turns around and heads toward her kitchen. I wave goodbye and head to the door.

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