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August POV

I push open the theatre's doors and rush to the stage, I'm already wearing my Alice costume for the play and, thankfully, I haven't gotten it dirty. I burst through the doors and see the director sitting on the edge of the stage.

August: Hey, sorry I'm late, I was picking up some accessories for my costume.

Director: It's all good, just get backstage for makeup.

I run backstage and see Angel waiting near my chair and setting out all her makeup.

Mascara is running down her cheeks. I run over to her.

August: Hey, Angel, are you okay.

She shakes her head like she's trying to expel her thoughts.

Angel: Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

I can tell she's lying but I don't want to pry.

I sit in my chair and she starts to do my makeup. I sorta start to zone out.

A few minutes later I realize that she's stopped putting on my makeup. I zone back in and see Angel staring in the mirror, fear is glazed over her face and her mascara runs farther down her face.

August: Seriously Angel, are you okay?

I pull out a tissue, I turn to face her and start to wipe the mascara off her cheeks.

She gently grabs my wrist and moves it away from her face.

Angel: I said I'm fine.

I turn away from her and look down, I feel my face go red.

August: Sorry

Angel: No, no, don't apologize, I'm just stressed

August: and you're sure you don't want to talk about it?

Angel: I'm sure

August: Okay, but I'm here for you if you do.

I see her smile in the mirror.

Angel finishes doing my makeup.

Director: Okay, the audience is ready, everyone to their places.

I start to run over to the stage and then turn back for a second.

August: See you after the show Angel.

I wave at her and then go take my place next to a prop tree.


Angel POV

I walk closer to the stage and sit cross-legged on the floor.

The curtains open and the play begins.

Narrator: Our story starts with Alice, reading beneath a tree, she closes her book with a thoughtful look and says...

August/Alice: Dinah, This is dull to me. And what is the use of a book without pictures or conversations? In my world, books would be nothing but pictures. That's it, Dinah! If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't, and contrary wise what it is, it wouldn't be and what it wouldn't be it see?

August looks so beautiful in her costume, and her makeup looks great (not to brag). I genuinely don't know how she can get up in front of all those people, but she's doing it marvelously, I wish I could do it.

----------------------------Time skip-----------------------------------------------------

The play ends and the cast takes a bow. August runs off stage, she walks over to greet me and I run to her and hug her. She stumbles back a few steps and I let go of her.

Angel: You did great!

August: Thanks, Angel

Angel: No, but you really did amazing, like getting in front of all those people, I could never do that, and your singing voice- and that you memorized all those lines in only like 2 months.

August: Angel, stop, you're making me blush

Angel: But it's true

August giggles and it makes my heart flutter.

Angel: Sorry if I'm being a little too much, I just really appreciate you listening.

August: Of course I listen, we're friends

Friends? Really? I've never had a friend before.

Angel: We're friends?

August: Yeah!

I smile and hug her again.

August: Well, I should get going back home, see you around.

What? No, I don't want to be alone.

I rush up to August.

Angel: Hey, uh, I know we kinda just met and this might seem weird, but could I spend the night at your place?

August: Oh, yeah! Of course!

Angel: Thanks.

We start to walk toward the exit. As we're walking backstage something in the mirror catches my eye. My reflection. Mascara starts to run down my cheeks again. My reflection waves at me, I try to look away but I can't.

My reflection starts to laugh again.

Reflection: You know you can't hide from me.

Angel: I know

Reflection: Good

I hear footsteps walk back into the room

August: You coming?

I wipe the mascara from my cheeks and turn to face her.

Angel: Yeah, just had to get my makeup.

I grab my makeup bag and walk over to her.

August puts her arm around my shoulder which calms my nerves, she puts her head on my shoulder, it feels nice.

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