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------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------

August POV

It's Thursday, the day before the play, today's the dress rehearsal, and I'm pretty fucking anxious, well I'm always anxious, but more anxious than usual.

The last few cast members trickle in. The director gets up on stage.

Director: Okay, everyone go backstage for hair and makeup.

The rest of the cast and I head backstage. There are a row of chairs along each wall, each with one of our names on the back. I spot the one with my name on the back, I sit in it and wipe off the makeup I already have one.

I hear someone running into the room.

Angel: Sorry! Sorry I'm late

Angel walks over to me, she pulls her makeup out of her bag.

August: Hi Angel

She doesn't respond.

August: So, you're a makeup artist, I didn't know that.

I turn around and she's staring in the mirror with a stunned look in her face.

August: Hey, Angel, are you okay?

I touch her hand that's on the top of the chair.

Angel: What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine

Ya know, I kinda get why people say she seems insane, but I space out sometimes too, so I try not to judge.

She picks up a foundation brush and palette. She picks out a foundation that matches my skin tone and she starts applying it to my face.

August: So, you do makeup?

Angel: Umm, this is kinda my first time doing it professionally.

August: Oh, cool.

Angel: I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be rude, but could you not talk while I'm doing this, it's distracting.

August: Yeah, sure.

I see her faintly smile in the mirror, but only for a second.

When she's done with the foundation, she pulls out some concealer and applies it on my face.

Once the concealer is rubbed in she pulls out a blush brush and puts some light pink blush on my cheeks. She gets an eyeshadow brush and picks out light blue eyeshadow from her palette and applies it to my eyes. She lines my eyes with white eyeliner. She pulls out some pink lipstick and paints it on my lips. Finally, she gets out her mascara and applies it to my eyelashes.

Angel: Alright, all done

I look around and I'm the only one who's makeup is done so far and I hate awkward silence so I try to start a conversation.

August: So, what made you want to do makeup?

Angel: Uh, well, it's kinda the closest I can get to doing theatre without having to be on stage in front of everyone.

August: Oh, so do you want to do theatre

Angel: well, um, yeah but I usually get tongue tied when I talk to people.

August: Well, if it makes it any easier, the theatre also offers acting classes with smaller groups of people and also one-on-one classes.

Angel: Really?

August: Yeah, I can send you the info if you'd like.

She doesn't say anything, but she smiles and nods.

Director: Alright, now that you're all done here I need everyone to change into their costume.

August: Welp, I got to go, but hopefully I'll see you around.

I wave goodbye as I go off to my dressing room.

---------------------Time Skip----------------------------

Angel POV

I walk through the door to my house and start to walk down the hall. I hate this house, everything is white, the walls, the ceiling, the floor, all the furniture- it's all white, it's like living in a psych ward. It doesn't help that this place is like a maze, it took me months to figure out how to navigate it, and I still get lost sometimes.

I make it to my bedroom and I crash onto the bed. I pull out my laptop and check my emails. Great! August sent me the info on the acting classes. As I click the link I start to hear deep, distorted laughter that sounds like it's calling from the walls, I look up and see the walls are bleeding black paint. FUCK, NO, NOT AGAIN!

Voice: Come here!

I cover my ears with a pillow, but the voice is still ringing in my head.

Voice: You can't hide from me!

I slowly get up from the bed and warily walk over to my window.

When I look into my window I see my reflection staring back at me, but it's not my reflection, not really. She's staring at me with intensity and she has a villainous smirk on her face. The paint bleeds further down the walls, and starts to cover the bed, I feel mascara running down my cheeks. I look back up at the window and my reflection eyes have gone completely black.

Angel: Wha- what do you want?

Voice: To have a little fun, it's been so long since I've gotten to play with you.

Strings of black paint shoot out from the walls and wrap around my arms and legs. The strings start to tug on me, like their trying to rip me in half.

Angel: P- Please, stop.

A menacing laugh rings from the window. Another two strings shoot out from either the wall and wraps around my neck. It strangles me, I try to gasp for air but I can't.

The black paint drips farther down the walls and the strings tighten pulling me in every direction.

I stare at my reflection, I can't speak, but I beg with my eyes for it to stop.

Voice: Well, this has been fun, bye bye now

My reflection waves at me and then disappears from view.

The paint finally covers the entire room making it pitch black. The strings pull me even tighter and I let out a gut wrenching scream.

I open my eyes to find that I'm sitting on bed, there's no black paint on the walls, no voice, everything is back to normal.

Maybe I am going insane.

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