Just like old times

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I open the door and see Gabrielle waiting there. Why is she here?

Sam: Um, hello

Gabrielle: Hey Sam, is Phoenix here?

What? Why would she want to see Phoenix?

Sam: Uh- yeah, why?

Gabrielle: Could you get her?

Sam: One sec

I close the door almost all the way.

Sam: NIX!

Phoenix: WHAT?


I hear her jump off the couch and she runs over to me.

Phoenix: What does she want?

Sam: I'm not sure

I open the door again, Phoenix waves at Gabrielle and she waves back.

Phoenix: So, why are you here?

Gabrielle: I just wanted to invite you over to hang out.

I look over at Phoenix and she looks just as confused as I am.

Sam: Why?

Gabrielle: I- well, I was just thinking since we're, like, the original four- well I mean, now three.

Oh, she misses Astra, her girlfriend. Back when we were the only ones here, the four of us used to spend time a lot more time together, but ever since she died Gabrielle has distanced herself from us.

Phoenix: Well, sure, we've got time to spend.

Sam: Yeah

Gabrielle: Great!

She starts to walk down from the doorstep. She waves at us to follow her and we head toward her house.

As we're walking Gabrielle pulls me forward, letting Nix trail behind us.

Sam: What?

Gabrielle: Look, I know this is none of my business, but, how has Phoenix been with her burning?

Really? She's gonna ask this now? With her right behind us?

Sam: You're right, it isn't any of your business.

She looks away from me.

Gabrielle: I'm the mayor, I just want to make sure my citizens are doing okay.

God dammit, she's making me feel bad

Sam: Fine, she's been doing well for a while. She had burns on her hands today, but she said it was an accident.

Gabrielle: Do you believe that?

Sam: I'm not sure.

Gabrielle glances back at Phoenix and smiles at her.

Phoenix POV

We get to Gabrielle's house and Sam and I sit on her couch. Gabrielle brings in a plate of mini sandwiches, a bottle of wine and three glasses. She puts the plate and glasses on the table. She fills her glass and holds up the bottle.

Gabrielle: Want some?

Sam picks up her glass and Gabrielle starts to pour some wine.

Sam: Just like old times

Gabrielle smiles sadly and nods.

Gabrielle: Yeah.

Sam: You gonna have some Nix? I know you're a bit of a lightweight.

She's right, I can't drink too much, but I really do want some.

Phoenix: Sure, I'll have some.

Gabrielle fills my cup and holds up hers.

Gabrielle: Cheers?

Sam and I raise our glasses and we all clink our glasses. I take a sip from my glass before setting it on the table.

Gabrielle: I miss the old times

Sam: So.. you've been missing Astra?

Really Sam? You couldn't have been a little more subtle?

Phoenix: SAM

Gabrielle: Um- I-

Sam: What? It's incredibly obvious

I face-palm.

Gabrielle: Well... yeah, I have been missing her, especially lately...

Sam: Is there a reason?

Gabrielle: Uh, well, no one knows yet but...

Tears stream down her face and she wipes them away.

Phoenix: But what?

More tears start to form in her eyes.

Gabrielle: ..t-they're planning to tare down Astra's old place

Phoenix and Sam: What?

Gabrielle: y-yeah.

She curls her knees up to her chin and starts to cry more. She whispers something to herself, but I can't hear what she says.

Gabrielle: I- I'm sorry, you should go.

Phoenix: Are you sure?

Gabrielle: y-yes, please

Sam: Alright

We get up from the couch and leave.

Gabrielle POV

I hear the door close.

I wipe the tears from my face.

Gabrielle: I miss you so much.

?: I miss you too.

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