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\\\TW///: Sexual assault

August POV

I've been stuck here for a few days now, I finally was able to loosen the rope enough so I could at least sit down 'cus my legs are fucking sore. Every day Demon comes back to check I'm still here... and for, well, I don't want to talk about it.

Demon: Hey, Auggie

Fuck- she's back.

She walks out from behind the tree and waves at me.

August: Don't call me that. Only Angel gets to call me that.

She walks over to me. She kneels beside me and brings her face close to mine.

Demon: What're you gonna do about it? Punch me?


August: Whatever

Demon: That's what I thought.

She rests a hand on my thigh.

Demon: I see you managed to sit down

August: Yeah.

Demon: Good, that'll make this a lot easier.

She sits on my legs so I can't move 'em. (If i could I would kick her in the stomach) She starts to pull down my pants.

August: Please don't

I feel tears form in my eyes.

Demon: How long is it gonna take ya to understand you don't have a choice?

She reaches into my underwear and starts to go in. I close my eyes and try to pretend this isn't happening. She leans in closer, I can feel her breath against my face. I don't even pretend to enjoy this time, I don't care if she won't give me food, I'm not that hungry.

After I don't know how long (it felt like forever) I stop feeling her breath and I feel her get up off me. I kinda can't feel my legs 'cus she was sitting on them so long. I let out a sigh of relief.

Demon: Uh uh, we're not done.

August: w-what?

Demon: Open your eyes bitch

I open my eyes and I see Demon standing in front of me... with her pants off-

Oh no, uh uh, I ain't doing this

Demon: You know what I want

August: Nope-

I manage to lift my leg and I kick her back. She falls onto the ground.

August: You may be able to make me sit still, but you can't make me do that.

Demon gets up and brushes some dirt off.

Demon: *laughs* I thought you might react that way...

She walks over to the bag she brought and starts looking through it.

Demon: so I brought something to encourage you.

She pulls something out of the bag and shows it to me. It's a glass shard. There's something on it. It's... a mirror?... no, it's-

August: ANGEL?

Angel: AUGUST!

Demon: Correct. And you would like to speak with your Angel, wouldn't you?

I look back at the shard and see pressed against the glass looking at me.

August: Yeah, I do.

Demon: Then do as I want, and I'll let you talk to her.

I look up at Demon.


Demon stuffs the shard back into the bag and I can't hear Angel anymore.

She walks back over to me.

Demon: So?

I have to see Angel again-

August: Fine.

Demon smirks before moving even closer to me so that she's almost directly above me.

I take a breath. I lift myself up as much as I can and start to go in with my tongue. I hate this-

She starts to moan almost immediately, but I can tell she's faking just to make me uncomfy. I mean- I'm good, but not that good.

She cums into my mouth, I pull back and look up at her. Do I have to-?

Demon: Yes, you have to.

I swallow it and almost gag- ew, demons do not taste good.

Demon: Alright, you did good.

She walks away from me and goes back over to her bag. She pulls out the shard. She walks back over to me and puts it in my hand. Demon goes and puts her pants back on (thank god) before walking away.

I sigh of relief and look over at the shard. Angel smiles when I look at her.

Angel: Hey Auggie.

August: Hi Angel.

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