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Hope POV

I'm in the waiting room at the hospital, I've been here almost all day and it's dark outside. I'm really worried, I have no idea what happened, it's never happened before.

Jade said it wasn't her fault, but, do I believe her?

August walks into the room with tears streaming down her cheeks. She walks over to the chairs and sits down.

I mean, I've got nothing better to do than talk to her right now.

Hope: So, why are you here?

She takes in a deep breath.

August: Umm, Angel-

Hope: Oh.

She looks down.

August: Yeah, you?

Hope: Faith-

August: Oh, I'm sorry.

I smile from discomfort.

We sit in silence for a while before Trixie, the nurse, peaks into the room.

Trixie: Hope.

Please let Faith be okay.

Hope: Yeah?

Trixie: Faith is starting to wake up, you can come in and see her now.


I get up and walk over to the room that Faith is in. Faith is laying in the hospital bed, the discolored skin has cleared up on her neck, but the skin around her eyes and on her cheeks still looks dead.

Hope: FAITH!

I run to her and hug her.

She smiles and waves and me weakly. Wait, why isn't she speaking?

I turn to Trixie and the doctor.

Hope: Is she okay? Do you know what caused it?

Doctor: She seems to be mostly okay, but the incident damaged her vocal cords and she is not able to talk.

Hope: Is it permanent?

Doctor: We are not sure, we've never seen anything like it.

What does that mean!?

Trixie: And as for what caused it, we can't be specifically sure, but it seems that it was triggered by high-stress levels.

High-stress levels? Fuck, it wasn't Jade that caused it, was it? It was me, wasn't it?

Doctor: We also believe that this is somehow related to her being an unstable.

Trixie: But we don't know for sure.

Hope: How soon can she come back home?

Doctor: You can bring her home today but we highly suggest she doesn't leave the house until her skin clears up.

I nod my head. At least now she doesn't have as much of a chance to run into other unstables.

Doctor: Oh, also, until she starts getting better we are prescribing she takes these pills twice daily.

The doctor grabs a bottle of pills off the shelf next to the bed and hands it to me. I put them in my pocket.

Trixie: Umm, doctor, are you sure that that's necessary?

Doctor: For now, it's our best bet. Miss Hope, you are free to take your sister home whenever she's ready.

I walk next to Faith's bed.

Hope: Faith, are you ready to go home?

She nods her head and reaches out her hand. I help lift her out of the bed and she leans against me for balance.

I'm so happy she's okay.

------------------------Time Skip----------------------------------------------

August POV

It's been a few hours since Angel was brought to the hospital. I really hope she's okay. I feel so bad, I mean, it's kind of my fault, I'm the one who brought her there, I'm the one who left her alone.

One of the nurses walks out from the room Angel's staying in.

August: Is she awake!?

Nurse: Not yet, but you can come in and see her.

I take in a deep breath. I don't want to see Angel right now, not while she's still unconscious, not while she's still in pain. But I have to check on her.

I get up out of the chair and go over to Angel's room. I stop at the door and take one more deep breath. I open the door and walk into the room.

As I expected, Angel is laying on the bed, eyes closed. I go and sit on the edge of the bed.

The doctor walks in from the next room over.

August: Is- is she going to be okay?

Doctor: It is looking good, her breath has mostly stabilized, and her heartbeat seems normal.

I take a sigh of relief.

August: Thank you for taking care of her.

Doctor: There is one thing that we found odd?

Oh god, what now?

Doctor: Some of the tests we did suggest that before she fell in the river she was having hallucinations.

What? Hallucinations?

Doctor: Does she have a history of seeing hallucinations.

August: Not that I know of.

Doctor: Well, we think there's a possibility that the hallucinations freaked her out and that she might have jumped into the water.

Jumped into the water? That doesn't sound like something Angel would do. At least, I don't think.

August: Can I bring her home soon?

Doctor: You can bring her home as soon as she wakes up.

August: Okay, thank you.

Doctor: Oh, one more thing.

He pulls a bottle of pills from his pocket and hands them to me.

Doctor: Once she's awake, she should start taking these two times a day.

August: Umm, okay.

Pills? For drowning?

I look closer at the bottle and read the label on it.

The label reads "Power Suppression Pills"

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