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I've really been enjoying practicing with Harley- a lot more than I thought I would if I'm being honest. I've been helping her with her technique and teaching her some new moves. And she's been helping me with adding... "pizzazz" to my performance, because apparently I'm supposed to smile when I perform.

We've been practicing a lot but we've already got the routine down. At this point I'm just enjoying spending time with her.

We just finished practicing at Harley's house and I'm packing up when she walks over to me.

Harley: Hey, umm

Sam: What?

Harley: I was wondering if you wanted to go and grab pizza?

Sam: Oh, sure.

Harley: Oh! Great! Let's go.

She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door.

Sam: Hey, hey, I need to grab my stuff.

Man, she's sweet, but she's a lot.

 I pull my hand away and go to get my bag before heading outside with Harley.

--------------------Time Skip--------------------

We get to Irene's diner and take a couple of seats near the back.

Harley: So what're you gonna get?

She opens the menu on the table.

Sam: Mac-and-cheese pizza with pepperoni and basil.

Harley: Mac-and-cheese pizza?

Sam: It's pizza where you use mac-and-cheese instead of normal cheese. It's the first thing I tried when the diner opened.

Harley: Oh, cool, maybe I'll try it.

Sam: We could share one.

Harley: Yes! I mean, yeah, sure.

Sam: Tight, I'll go order for us.

I grab our menus and head to the counter.

Sam: Hi Reenie

Irene: Oh, hey Sammy. Haven't seen you in a while.

Sam: Yeah, I've been busy with rehearsal.

Irene: We both know you don't need that much dance rehearsal.

Sam: I don't need it, but I've honestly been really enjoying rehearsal.

I see her look over my shoulder.

Irene: Do you like rehearsal or do you enjoy a certain part of rehearsal?

She points behind me at Harley.

Sam: Well, I mean, we're friends yeah

Irene: You sure that's it?

Sam: Yeah, what else would it be?

Irene: *laughs* Never mind. What are you ordering

Umm, what was that?

Sam: Just the usual

Irene: Anything else?

Sam: Nope, just that.

Irene: Alright then. I'll get that for ya.

She takes the menus and heads to the kitchen.

I go back to our table and sit down.

Harley: Hey.

Sam: Uh, hi.

Harley: So, um, how have you been lately?

Sam: Alright, stop. We both know that we BOTH hate small talk so let's just not.

Harley: Sorry, we've just never really talked other than smack talk.

Sam: Yeah, I guess that's true.

Irene walks over to us carrying our pizza.

Irene: We already had one made.

She puts the pizza down on the table before walking away. I grab a slice and start to eat.

Harley: What do you want your future to look like?

Okay- that's a little too deep

Sam: What do you mean?

Harley: Well, even just this town has only existed for about 3 and half years. But we're probably going to be here... forever. What do you want life to look like in 10, 20 years?

Sam: umm...

Shit- I never thought about that before.

Sam: What do you want in the future?

Harley: Well, in a few years I want to adopt a kid and hopefully I'll have someone to help raise them. And maybe one day I'll open a dance school for the kids in town.

While she's talking her eyes light up, she seems so excited even just thinking about it.

Sam: Wow, you really have everything figured out?

Harley: Yeah, I guess so. So, how about you?

Sam: Uh- I'm not really sure what I want. I've never really thought about it.

I mean- I know I want to come out at some point, but I'm not really sure when that's gonna happen. Other than that... nothing really.

Harley: Well, you could always help run my dance school.

Sam: You'd want me to?

Harley: Yeah, of course. I mean you are the... second best dancer in town.

Sam: *laughs* I'm the best and you know it.

Harley: You wish bitch.

She picks up a pepperoni slice and throws it at me. It lands on my nose and gets sauce on my face. I get it off.

Sam: I don't have to wish, bitch.

I throw the pepperoni back at her and it lands next to her mouth. She gets it into her mouth and eats it.

Harley: I'm sorry, who won the last competition?

She picks up a piece of pizza and leans over the table. She shoves the pizza into my face. I push her hand away and the slice falls on my plate.

Sam: We tied, idiot.

I stand up and reach over to Harley. I push the back of her head and smash her face into the pizza.

Harley: Oh, whatever... Samantha.

I get my knee up on the table and reach over to smack her. I lift my other foot off the ground and the table falls over, knocking Harley's chair over. I fall off the chair and land on top of Harley.

I roll off of her and lay next to her.

Sam: You okay?

Suddenly, Harley bursts out laughing. After a while her laughter spreads to me and I start to laugh with her.

I get up and lift Harley to her feet, still laughing.

Harley: We're idiots.

Sam: Yeah we are.

I reach over to her and wipe some of the sauce and cheese off her face.  She leans over to me and licks some of the cheese off my face. I push her back

Sam: Ew, no

I look around and everyone's staring at us.

Sam: Uh, we should get out of here before they make us clean it up.

Harley: Yeah let's go

She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the store.

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