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August POV

Demon hasn't really been back in a while, which has been nice, but it kinda has me worried about what else she could be doing.

I'm thankful to be spending so much time with Angel. Although we've kinda run out of things to talk about, it's nice to just be around her. It almost makes me forget how shitty this situation is... almost.

Angel: Hey, babe, do you want to talk?

I lift the mirror shard back up so I can see her.

August: I- I don't know

Angel: I can tell you're feeling off. What's wrong... well, other than, you know-

August: everything

Angel: ...yeah

August: *sigh* Do you think we're ever going to get out of this?

Angel: Auggie, of course we're going to get out of this, people are bound to notice we're missing... well, maybe not me- but you, I mean you actually have people who would care that you're gone.

August: Yeah, maybe.

Angel: What do you mean maybe?

August: Well, it's honestly been a while since I've spent time with the Butterflies gang. And they were kinda the only people I had, other than you.

Angel: What about the people from the theatre.

August: Eh, that's really more of a job than anything. That's why I was so excited that we connected so quickly.

Angel: Aww... I love you.

Oh- wow- uh- that's the first time she's said it-

August: I- um- I-

Angel: It's okay, you can say it when you're ready.

Fuck- no- I want to say it. I do love her. It's just... I'm not ready to say it to anyone- but it's not about Angel, it's about me.

It kinda sucks- I'm one of the few mv characters who were created with memories. The others being Sam and Iris. While most of the other characters are created with personalities and, like- fears and goals or whatever, we were created with full memories of our "past". The same way a video game character can have programmed backstory but it's just in their programming and not in the actual game, but to the character it's real.

A lot of the others find it such a difficult concept to grasp because their memories only go as far back as The Waiting Zone. I've had people not understand why I am as anxious as I am because my life is "better" than a lot of the other characters, which is kind of true. But they don't understand that the things that go into making my decisions go beyond what I've experienced since I've been here.

Angel: I'm sorry, Auggie.

August: What? Why?

Angel: I'm the one who got you into this mess. I mean, it's kinda my fault that Demon even exists.

August: NO. No, do not blame yourself. It is not your fault.

Angel: but...

August: I'm serious, please don't blame yourself for all of this. Demon's put you through enough without you carrying the guilt of something you didn't cause.

Angel: ...thanks

August: Always.

I hear footsteps heading towards us. Fuck- I shove the shard into my pocket.

Demon steps out from the trees. She looks angry-

She stomps over to me and grabs my shirt collar. She pulls me up and slams me against the tree, I feel the bark cut into the back of my neck.

Demon: Listen, bitch.

She knees me in the leg and I feel the shard fall out of my pocket. Shit-

Demon: I was planning to go easy on you today... but, one of your little friends decided to make me mad.

She steps her foot forward, the front of her foot in front of the shard with her heel lifted above it. One small move and she could destroy the shard.

Demon: So you better keep your mouth shut and do what the fuck I want before I decide to take it out on you.

Anxiety rushes through me and tears pool in my eyes. She moves her hands next to me on either side and leans forward.

Demon: Ya got it?

I push back the tears and nod.

She moves closer to me and grinds against me. She gets her hand under my shirt and bra and starts to play with my boobs.

A wave of nausea fills me. My breath starts to quicken. I try to hold in a scream.

Demon lifts her other hand up and puts it over my mouth.

She grinds against me harder and slides her hand down from my boob into my pants. She starts to go in.

Another wave of nausea rushes over me. I bite down on her hand trying to hold in a scream.

She pulls back.

Demon: OUCH. FUCK-

She steps away from me.

Demon: ohhh, I bet you thought I was joking about taking my anger out on you. *laughs*

She opens up her bag and reaches into it. She looks up and makes eye contact with me, it looks like there's fire behind her eyes. Demon lifts her hand out of the bag, holding a sharp... whip.

Fear fills me.

She walks towards me. I close my eyes and brace myself.

I feel the whip wrap around my neck and I get pulled down to all fours. It cuts the skin on my neck and I start to bleed out. I try to hold in tears.

Demon pulls the whip off my neck. I hear her walk closer to me while laughing.

The whip crashes against my back multiple times. I feel the blood dripping down the sides of my back. Tears fall out of my eyes. I open my eyes to look down and see Angel staring up at me through the shard. There are tears streaming down her cheeks and she looks terrified. Fuck- she shouldn't have to watch this. I move my hand as best I can and cover the shard so she can't see out anymore.

I feel the whip graze against my cheek, cutting into it. Pain shoots through my head and I let out a scream.

Demon laughs proudly.

She walks in front of me and grabs my arm. She pulls me by my arm behind me and up. I feel the skin around my wounds rip more. She gets me up to my knees.

Demon lifts up my chin and kisses me.

She steps back and lifts her whip again. As the whip is flying toward me, I move to the side and the whip cuts through the rope tying me to the tree.

I jump up as fast as I can. I grab the shard of the ground and start to run back to town.

The adrenaline drowns out the pain.

Oh, fuck- that actually worked.

I got out.

As I'm running I feel the whip wrap around my ankle and cut into it. I fall to the ground and Demon drags me across the ground back to her. Rocks and sticks on the ground cut my skin. I hold onto the shard as tightly as I can.

Demon grabs my shoulder and pushes me back against the tree. She grabs the rope and ties it again and makes it tighter than before. She leans over me, smirking.

Demon: Thanks, I needed to blow off some steam.

She walks back to her bag and picks it up. She blows me a kiss and then turns away and leaves.

Angel: b-babe, a-are you okay?

I look down at her.

August: Yeah, I'm fine. I've still got you.

She smiles with her eyes.

Tears fill her eyes again, but this time I can tell they're of happiness.

Town of Broken GirlsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon