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Lexie POV

It's about 12:15 pm, 15 minutes after the party was supposed to start and no one has shown up yet. If I'm being honest, I kind of expected this to happen but I was hoping it would be different this time.

Shatter: See, I told you no one would show up.

Lexie: Maybe they're just running late.

Shatter: Everyone?

Lexie: It's possible

Shatter gets off the couch and walks over to me, in the dining room. She puts a hand on my shoulder.

Shatter: I'm sorry Lexi, but no one is going to come.

I turn to look at her.

Lexie: You don't know that.

Shatter: Yes, I do. And you know it too.

Shatter steps backward, away from me. Her foot slips on one of the balloon's ribbons and falls back. While falling, she crashes into the table. The table falls over and the cake I bought slides off of it and splats on the floor.


I run over to her and grab her hand. I pull her up back to her feet.

Shatter: See, no one's even here and I still fucked everything up. Why would anyone want to be around me?

I wish she would stop saying that.

Lexie: It's fine, I can clean it up

Shatter: What's the point, we both know no one's coming. I'm tired of this house.

She heads over to the front door and I follow her.

Lexie: Shatter, please-

Shatter: I'm sorry Lexie, but it's time for you to accept that no one likes us.

She walks out of the door and storms away.

Does she have to be so dramatic about everything?

A few seconds later I see someone running up towards the door. It's Barbie.

Barbie: Hey, sorry I'm late, I was picking up gifts for you guys!

Lexie: Oh, hey Barbie.

Barbie: I just saw Shatter headed toward the bar. Aren't you guys having a party?

Lexie: We were going to, yeah.

Barbie: Then why did she leave.

Lexie: *sigh* you were the only one who showed up.

A look of sadness comes to Barbie's face.

Barbie: Oh, sorry.

Suddenly, I get an idea.

Lexie: Hey, don't tell Shatter I told you to do this, but I'm sure she could use some company right now.

Barbie nods before waving goodbye and turning back towards the road.


Barbie POV

I walk into the bar. I look around a bit before seeing Shatter sitting at the back corner. She has a large hoodie pulled over her face. I walk closer to her. On the table in front of her, there's a small cupcake with a candle sticking out of it.

I walk over to her.

Shatter: *sigh* Happy birthday to me, I guess.

She blows out the candle.

Barbie: Hey Shatter.

She jumps a little and turns toward me. Her face goes red.

Shatter: Oh, um, hi Barbie.

Barbie: Do you mind if I sit?

Shatter: Why would you want to sit here?

Barbie: 'cus I want to hang out with you.

She raises her eyebrows, looking kinda shocked.

Shatter: Uh, yeah, you can sit if you want.

She scootches over a little and I sit down next to her. I look over at her and see she's wearing a button on her shirt.

Barbie: Second best birthday girl?

Shatter: Yeah, Lexie got it for me.

Barbie: Oh, that makes sense.

Shatter looks away from me. She takes the candle out of her cupcake and takes a bite of it.

Shatter: K, but seriously, why would you want to hang out with me.

Barbie: Well, I mean, you seem nice

Shatter: But I'm a freak, everyone knows that.

Barbie: Everyone's a freak in this town. People just judge you because it's easier than dealing with their own insecurity.

Shatter: Yeah, I guess.

Suddenly, I remember.

Barbie: Oh, hey I got you a present.

Shatter: Wait, really?

Barbie: Yeah, here.

I grab the gift from under the table and hand it to Shatter.

She tears off the wrapping paper and open's the box. She reaches into the box and lifts the tablet out of the box.

Shatter: Oh shit- cool

I'm glad she likes it

Barbie: Turn it on

Shatter presses the power button and closes her eyes.

Barbie: So, whaddya think?

Shatter: Did- did it just talk to me through my brain.

Barbie: Yeah, I knew it was the perfect gift for you.

Shatter: Cool. Uh, thanks.

Barbie: No problem

Shatter: I guess this was a good birthday after all.

Hearing that makes me smile. I'm glad she's enjoying her birthday.

Barbie: Good, you deserve it.

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