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Iris POV

The band has packed all their stuff up and they and I are chilling and having drinks. Everyone else has gone home, but we've been playing all night so we haven't actually gotten to drink yet.

The band is nice, but I wish Max would've played with us. She said she didn't want to come because she knew Maddie would be here.

Iris: I wish Max was here

Andre: Yeah, it sucks she didn't want to play today, she's the best singer in town. No offense Iris, you're great too.

Iris: None taken, it's true.

James finishes his drink and checks his watch.

James: Hey, this is fun, but it's getting late.

Sam: Yeah, we've got a gig tomorrow, so we better get some rest.

The band grabs their instruments and we wave goodbye as they leave the bar.

I better get going too. But first I've gotta use the bathroom.


Once I'm done ~doing my business~, I walk out of the stall and go to wash my hands ('cus I ain't nasty). I hear the bathroom door open and someone walk in. 

That's weird, I thought I was the only customer left at the bar. I look over and see an older man, who is very obviously drunk walking towards me.

Iris: Hey, this is the ladies' room.

Creepy dude: Oh, I know it is.

He takes a step closer and reaches out, trying to grab me. Panic fills me and my mind goes blank as I try to process what's happening.

I back away from him, but he keeps walking closer and I end up getting backed into a corner. Fuck fuck fuck, what the fuck do I do.

He reaches out again and pushes me. My head and back hit against the wall. A sharp pain starts to burn the back of my head and I feel blood drip down my neck. He leans forward and tries to kiss me. I raise my hand to slap him when suddenly, strings of red thread shoot out from my fingers. I stumble back in shock.

The threads wrap around his throat and I see there are needles on the ends of them, digging into his neck.

He backs away from me and unsuccessfully tries to pull the threads from his throat. The strings tighten and he's struggling to breathe.

I have no idea what's happening, I can't really do anything except stare in shock.

He gasps for air before falling onto the floor. The threads detach themselves from my hand.

Oh no, oh no.

I kneel next to him and check for a pulse.

No pulse.

Oh god, oh god, what the hell did I do.


Ya know what? He fucking deserved that. It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't tried to fucking assault me.

But still, I need to get out of here.

And I need to make sure no one finds out what I did.

I go over to the window and open it. I walk back over to the guy's body. I grab his arm and pick him up, he's kind of heavy, but I manage. I lift him up and drop his body out the window. I grab the window frame and climb out of the window.

I look down at the body. I guess I'm doing this.

I grab his hands and start to drag him toward my house.

(Alright, listen, I'm not proud of it, but what else can I do)

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