Making friends

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Maddie POV

I've been cleaning Max's room all morning, it is pretty messy in here but mostly I'm doing it 'cause her room reminds me of her. She hasn't even been gone that long but I already miss her.

I hear the door open.

Max: Hey Mads! I'm home!

I peek my head out her bedroom door. I see Max is standing next to another girl, her clothes and hair are more old-fashioned, she's wearing a plain red shirt and a polka-dotted skirt.

Maddie: Hi Max!

Max: Why are you in my room?

My face turns red.

Maddie: Umm, cleaning

Max: Uh huh, sure

Maddie: Sooooo, anyways, is this the newbie?

Max: Yep! This is Iris. Iris, this is Maddie.

Max put her arm around Iris, which makes me a little jealous, but she's always been a flirt so whatever.

Iris: Hello, it's nice to meet you.

Iris steps forward, away from Max

Maddie: It's nice to meet you too

I wave at her. While Iris isn't looking, I give Max the stink. She rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed at me.

FUCK, I didn't mean to make her mad.

Iris: What's this on the table?

Maddie: Oh, I tried to make Max some breakfast, but I, um, burnt it.

Max: Classic Maddie

Is that really what she thinks of me, just someone who screws things up?

Max: Really though, it's fine, I appreciate the gesture.

Max: I was planning to take Iris to The Broken Bottle to meet the broken girls gang, do you want to join?

Maddie: Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do.

---------------Time Skip-----------------

Gemma POV

It's been kind of a slow day at The Broken Bottle, so I've mostly just been spending time with the other Broken Girls. I'm just getting off my break, when I see Maxine, Maddie, and someone who I assume is the newbie.

I wave at them.

Gemma: Hey Max! Hey Maddie! Who's this with you?

Maxine: This is Iris, she's new in town

Gemma: Nice to meet ya

I nodded in her direction

Gemma: I'm Gemma

Iris: Nice to meet you too.


Iris flinches when I yell, and honestly, I don't blame her

Harley walks over from the arcade and Karen emerges from the employee room

Gemma: Iris, this is Harley and Karen

I gesture to each of them when I say their names.

Gemma: Harley, Karen, this is Iris

Karen: Hello

Harley: Whatsup

Iris looks at Harley, confused.

Iris: Whatsup?

Ohh, she doesn't know modern slang.

Gemma: It's just another way of saying "Hello"

Iris: Oh, okay, whatsup?

I couldn't help but laugh at her, but her embarrassed expression makes me feel bad.

Maxine: So, can I get a drink

Gemma: The usual?

Maxine: You know it. Iris, do you want anything?

Iris: I'll just have a beer

Beer? Would not have expected that from her.

Maddie: Hello, I'm here too

I roll my eyes, does she always have to be so snooty?

Gemma: and you would like...?

Karen: Gemma, watch your tone

Maddie: I would like a beer, please, and thank you.

I put on my best fake smile.

Gemma: Coming right up

I walk to the backroom, muttering insults under my breath.


Maxine POV

Harley: So, what time is the video screening?

Shit, I forgot about that.

Maxine: Oh shit, um...

I look up at the clock

Maxine: 30 minutes

Iris: I'm sorry, the what?

Maxine: Your music video screening, the whole town is going to watch your music video together.

Iris: Oh, fun!

Maxine: Hopefully

Iris: What do you mean?

Karen: The video screenings have a tendency to get... out of hand.

I look over at Iris and she looks nervous.


Gemma hands everyone the drinks they ordered and the mood automatically lightens. Hopefully, nothing bad will happen at the video screening, but until then we might as well have fun.

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