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Maddie POV

I woke up late today 'cause I spent a long time at the bar after we saw the play. I'm heading to the "Homemade by Irene" diner for breakfast, I haven't been there in a while and Irene's food is the best in town.

I walk into the diner and grab a menu from the counter. I go to find a seat and I see August sitting at a table.

Maddie: Hey, August, you were great in the play last night

August: Thanks

Angel: Right! She was so good!

I turn around and see Angel is sitting across from August

Maddie: Oh, hey Angel... Wait, are you two on a date?

Both of their faces go red.

Angel: What? No

Maddie: Isn't that August's shirt

I point at the shirt she's wearing.

Angel: Yeah, I spilled coffee on mine.

Maddie: Mmm hmm, sure

August turns around in her chair to face.

August: Can you just leave us alone?

Maddie: I like your eyeshadow.

I can tell Angel did her makeup.

August: Maddie-

Maddie: I'm going, I'm going.

I pick a table to sit at and I open the menu to choose something.

Once I choose something I go up to the counter.

Irene: Hi Maddie, where's Maxine?

Why is that the first question? I'm not always with Max.

Maddie: She's still asleep.

Irene: Yeah, that sounds like Maxine. So, what can I get for ya today?

Maddie: Just eggs and bacon today.

Irene: Kk, how would you like your eggs

Maddie: Scrambled, please

Irene: Alright, scrambled eggs and bakey comin' right up.

I go back to my table. While I'm waiting for my food, I pull out my phone and play Fast Fiends.

Allie walks into the diner and waves at me.

Allie: Oh, hi Maddie, where's Maxine?


Maddie: I'm not always with Max.

Allie: I mean, you kind of are.

Maddie: AM NOT!

Allie: Okay, before today, when was the last time you were out of the house without Max?

Maddie: I- I mean Maxine walked Iris home the night  she got here and I wasn't with her then.

Allie: *chuckles* okay Maddie.

She walks off to her own table.

I mean, she has a point, I'm around Max whenever I can be, and I know she doesn't want to date, but hiding my feelings is killing me.

Ya know what, I'm gonna tell Max how I feel. Tonight.

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