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Angel POV

After I woke up in the hospital I've been living in August's guest bedroom. She's been taking care of me, which is nice, but I don't really need it. I've honestly been doing better than usual, my reflection hasn't bugged me ever since I've started taking those pills. They seem to have made me... well... normal ig.

August walks in from the kitchen with a bowl of soup and a glass of apple juice on a tray. I sit up in bed and hands me the tray.

August: Lunch for my Angel.

Angel: Auggie, I told you, you don't need to do all this for me.

August: But I like taking care of you.

She leans over and kisses my forehead, which makes me blush.

Angel: Wait, what time is it?

August: Um, 12:30, why?

Angel: Shit, I need to take my meds

I reach over to the nightstand and grab the pill bottle. I open it and take out a pill.

August: Angel, are you sure you're okay with taking the pills?

God, she's been like this all week. Why is she so concerned about the pills?

Angel: Yeah, they've been making me feel better.

August: Okay, good.

I pop a pill into my mouth and take a sip of apple juice to help wash it down.

August: Hey, Angel?

Angel: Yeah?

August: Listen, I love having you over here, but I'm technically not supposed to have you over here.

Angel: Wait, what?

August: Well, the doctor said you had to go back to your house after you wake up, but I wanted to make sure you were okay first. But I'm technically not allowed to have you over.

Angel: So... I should go home then?

August: Yeah, if that's okay with you.

What? No. I don't want to go home. But I don't want to be a bother either.

Angel: Uh, yeah that's fine.

August: You sure?

Angel: Yeah

August: Alright

I finish the bowl of soup and get up out of the bed.

-------------------Time skip-----------------------------

I get to my house and unlock the door. I take in a sigh before opening it. I don't want to be here, especially not alone, but apparently August ain't allowed over for another week. At least I have the pills, hopefully they'll make this bearable.

I get to my bedroom and go to take a nap. I've slept a lot the last week, but I'm still so fucking tired. It might be because of the pills. I close my eyes and try to relax myself, but it doesn't work, god, why do I have to live in this house.

I try to make myself go to sleep, when I start to hear deep laughter coming from the window.


Reflection: You really thought you could get rid of me?

I get up and grab the pill bottle. Maybe this'll help, I know I'm not supposed to take another one til nighttime, but FUCK, I need to get her out. I take another pill.

Reflection: Get over here!

I hold on to the bottle and walk to the window.

I take another pill. GET OUT

Reflection: You really think that's going to help.

Angel: I- well-

She laughs again.

I take another pill. GET OUT OF MY HEAD

Reflection: You'll never get rid of me.


I down the rest of the bottle.

I feel my consciousness separate from my body and my body collapses in front of me.


I start to feel attached to reality again. I look down and I'm in my body. Except it's not my body, no, this... this is my reflection's body. I take a second to look around at my surroundings, but everything is pitch black except for the opening of the window.


I try to step through the window, but I can't, I'm stuck.

Through the window I see my body get up and turn to face me.

Reflection (in Angel's body): Hello, Angel.

Panic rushes through me. No, no no no no no.

Angel: What did you do? How did you do that?

Reflection: Does it matter? All I care about is that you're in there, and I, well I'm free to do whatever I want.

She smiles and then starts to walk away.

I try to break through the window, but it's no use. I- I'm stuck, possibly forever, and I have NO idea what to do.

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