Chapter 59

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A scream trapped in Draupadi's throat, she sat up, her heart hammered wildly, pumping with terror, figments of her nightmare still lingered in her mind.

She couldn't really recall every detail. Yet that feeling of complete darkness and emptiness was still heavily ingrained in her heart.

Terror that had blindsided her, still very much thumped through her. Reminding of something that was right there, yet not.

It all sounded so bizarre, yet the thumping organ in her chest spoke of a tale, unknown to her.

Taking in deep breaths, she tried to reign her fears in.

The soothing, cool air, doing nothing to erase the heaviness over her chest.

Isn't it ridiculous to to get scared of something that she couldn't even recall the details of?

Her eyes fell on her husbands, and that feeling of foreboding pulsed in the pit of her stomach, making it churn, her pulse thrum.

The sense of foreboding, settled there like a heavy stone, sinking deeper and deeper in deep dark abyss of her mind.

The monsters there tugging her in, sinking her deeper. A cold shiver passed down her spine, making her restless.

"Everything is fine." She mumbled to herself, over and over again.

But anxiety rose up, clawing down her throat, burning with a vengeance. Tearing her from within.

She hands opened and shut clutching the air, making her soul thrum.

Wrapping her fingers around her mangalsutr, she rubbed it.


With every passing second, her grip tightening around it. The cold feel of the intricate jewelry biting in her skin.

She's being ridiculous, she chastised herself.

She should take a walk. After all, not every nightmare means that things were going to go down soon.

But a small part of her told her, that it was more than that. The heaviness and restlessness in her chest made it impossible to sit still.

She chanted Krishn's name over and over again. Peace, that usually greeted her, did nothing to erase the burning anxiety clawing her windpipe, making it difficult to breath.

"Drau?" The gruff, smokey voice of Yudhisthir startled her enough to jump.

A frown settled on the handsome face of the eldest pandav, his eyes scanning his wife's pale face.

He set up, concern thrumming through him. The dim glow of the lantern, unable to hide the terrors swimming in her gaze.

"Are you alright?" Concern dripped off his words, turning his tone into a deeper baritone, that soothed her terrifying heart.

Like a warm caress on her soul. His voice promised her protection, security. One that she craved in this moment, more than her next breath.

Arya Yudhisthir would never let anything go wrong. She reminded herself, and her thought was comforting.

She believed it. The eldest son of Kunti, would fight the whole world, before something happened to his family, that she was sure of.

He traced her features, noticing beads of sweat on her forehead, her slight tremor didn't go unnoticed either.

The forced smile that spread on her lips, followed by her jerky nod, told him all, that he needed to know.

A nightmare.

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