Chapter 58

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"Have you freaking lost it?" Duryodhan swirled, the moment they were out of hearing distance from the clearing.

His heart hammered wildly, glaring at the woman, who stood fidgetting.

"How was I supposed to know, you all will be getting in fights? I just came there to see if my husband was alright." She snapped back, hands fisting on her sides glaring at the eldest Kaurav.

There was no way in hell, she would put up with his attitude. She glared right back at him, meeting him head on.

"Well, what the hell if something had happened?!" He shot back, moving a step closer, his huge frame towering over hers.

"Something can always happen. You can't expect me to hide away all my life." Forcing a smile, she said evenly.

Though everything had calmed down, his heart refused to let of that one scene when she had stepped out of the clearing.

The damn woman was like a little sister. How was he supposed to protect her when she was being reckless as hell?

"You are one heck of an annoyance." He grumbled, defeated. He knew technically it wasn'this fault, but damn it.

He really hated being away from the palace, too many unpredictable factors, too many risks.

"Well, the feelings are mutual. You big oaf. And for your kind information, I was doing fine." She shot back, grumbling under her breath about overprotective males.

What did they expect her to do? Hide away rest of her life?

"Whatever. Next time you get in trouble, don't come whining to me." He grumbled, there was practically nothing he could do.

After all he was just a brother, it was her husbands' place to lecture her. And by the looks of it, they had a lot to say.

"If I recall properly it is the other way around." Forcing her tight-lipped smile, he huffed, pushing the worries in the back of his mind.

Exhaustion sat in, the day's events catching up to him. He was ready to sleep it all off.

"Just stay out of trouble." He sighed, rubbing his face tiredly, longing to return to his bed. And sleep all the exhaustion off.

"All the best." He grinned out of nowhere, his eyes meeting his cousins' over her head, before he pulled Dushasan by his scruff, and dragged him along.


"Hush. It's late let's go." Duryodhan grumbled, tugging his brother along.

"But your wound-"

"Let my wives fuss over it. I need some love-"

"Ew, shut up. That's just too much for my brain." She shuddered, feigning disgust, the man was practically a brother, and hearing about his love life was the last thing she needed.

She shuddered, earning a bout of laughter from Duryodhan. "Yea right. I am planning to kiss-"

"Oh god! Just shut the hell up, will you?" She snapped covering her ears with her hands, his loud booming laughter, was all she heard as he disappeared behind the thick foliage, pulling his sibling along.

"Ah-" A surprised squeak left her mouth, arms wrapped around her back, and under her knees, picking her up bridal style.

"Arya. . ." Her voice faded, seeing the dark expression on Bheem's face, who gave her a stern look, that screamed fury.

Her mouth suddenly dried, making it difficult to swallow. She indeed messed up bad, didn't she?

Swallowing down her protests, she rested her head on his strong shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck.

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