Chapter 10

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"Control your anger, Bheem."  Yudhisthir stated, walking with his brothers on the bank of river Ganga, the only place where they found solace.

"But Bhraata -" his words were cut off as they heard the musical voice of a woman.

They froze never had they heard such a serene and musical voice, one that was perfect for poetry.

Their hearts skipped the beat in their chest, as they heard her ask.

"What is worse for a child than their parent figure loosing faith in them? And doubting them?"  Arjun gazed at the back of his wife, he could see that she was talking to her handmaid.

Her voice reverberating through the place,  as it held a curious tone. It was musical,  entrapping, the baritone of it wrapping around him and his brothers, pulling them in a trace.

Their faces grew serious as they heard her continue on, Sahadev frowned, why was she having this conversation at the banks of river Ganga, when she could have had the conversation in her room?

Something was missing here,  and he didn't understand what. Their hearts soared as they heard her question, the answers to which if one thought closely would prove their innocence.

Time seemed to have slowed down, as they watched her ask questions after questions,  if only she was their representative at the royal court, Yudhisthir had no doubt that they would have been proved innocent by now.

Bheem and Nakul wanted to reach out and touch her, was she real? They froze along with his brothers, as they watched her eyes lift, she joined her hands, they followed her gaze and saw Bhism.

Their hearts ceased for a moment, while they watched her turn and leave. Their minds blanked, all the missing puzzle pieces clicked in the places, as they gazed at Bhism to the retreating figure of Panchaali.

The conversation that she was having with her handmaid, swirling in their minds, it was all a show for Pitahmah to hear her out.

Their hearts squeezed, as a warmth unfurled in their chest. Over the years  no one had really ever taken their side, no one had taken this step to protect them.

The mighty pandavas were capable of everything, that's what all believed, but she had taken the step to prove their innocence.

Gratitude, Admiration and Respect, unfurled in them, she was putting in her every effort to weave their relationship stronger. Than how can they ever step back?

They watched as mata Ganga appeared next to Pitahmah. "Yes mata, I am very happy today. My five grandsons have found the perfect bride.  The queen that Hastinapur had awaited all along has finally stepped in.

The daughter that I had awaited, who would make this family one once again, is here." They heard their grandfather speak, the pandavas smiled,

For they knew, truer words were never spoken before. . .


"Arrest the pandav brothers!" The order bounced off the walls, the unceremonious amount of anger echo through each syllable.

Dhritrashtr's chest heaved with fury, while he sat in the family room, with his sons and brother in law.

A long debate, and a lot of assumptions later,  the best course of action they had come up to arrest the pandav brothers, for their treacherous act of drawing out their weapons in the court of Hastinapur. 

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