Chapter 34

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A week, that's how long it had been, since Yudhisthir along with his brothers had flipped every stone, searching for the culprit.

And nothing of importance had really been found.

"This is ridiculous. Attacks are happening, time and again. And no one is able to do a thing about it? Is this what you are telling me?" Roared an angry Dhritrashtr, his face hard with fury.

The team that had been assembled for the task, fidgetted, shuffling from one feet to another.

"You are the best team of investigators, this is not the answer that we expect from you!" Bhism growled, glaring down at the seven men, whose shoulders slumped.

"Forgive us your highness, we are trying our best. But, whoever they are, they are too sharp minded. There is no evidence whatsoever." The one on the left spoke, he himself was astounded by the capacity of the criminal.

Clear as the day it was obvious to everyone present, that whoever they were, they were all too smart, the way they were playing their cards out had everyone stumped.

Finding this person is going to be a feat that they feared would be difficult to be achieved.

But than again what was life without a little challenge. Time and again, with the blessings of the lord, the five sons of Pandu had achieved what many failed, and this time, they were determined to do the same.

Yudhisthir's eyes were solely focused on the seven ahead of him, they shuffled, uneasiness was  apparent in their posture.

It was not sitting well with the seven, that they had not been able to gain as much information,  as they would like.

"Whoever they are your highness, are present in this palace. Is what we can tell you or someone who has easy excess to the palace. They are well aware of the ways and are too smart." The investigators voice took a deeper note, he began stating his findings.

"Maharaj, this person had used a spell, is what we are suspecting, to contain the noises of the creature. But, in Hastinapur no one knows magic of that sort." Another investigator stated, they had done everything, had tried their level best, but not one concrete evidence was in their hand.

Magic never left a trace back, and specifically the one with spells.

Had it been an mind aura manifestation, it would have been a little easier.

Seven days of thorough investigation and no evidence.

It was a great failure, the seven had never once left one case unsolved. But, this one seemed to be too much twisted, and they really needed to level their game up.

"Your highness, we need more time. We will find them." Their leader spoke, pleading to the king. They had a reputation, and there was no way, he wanted to lose it.

Over the entire Aryavart, they had never once backed down from one case, than how could they just abandon this one?

And more than that, justice had always been their aim.

Bhism wanted to crush something, concern was boiling in him like a poisonous broth.

"Time is something that we are running short on. Day by day, that person has managed to knock more women out. First, we thought it is the creature who is doing this, but now, more than twenty five women had been put in that sleep state the way Bhanumati and Pauravi is." Vidur growled, though a patient today he too, was running low on it.

"You understand how grave this matter is. People are concerned about their safety, and no doctor is able to tell the solution for their state." Dhritrashtr growled, behind his anger was worry for his eldest born.

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