Chapter 52

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This chapter may not be what all are looking for. It has some torture and murder scene. You are free to skip. I'll add a short snippet at the end of the chapter.

For those who skipped.

Happy Reading!



Hot burning blaze of pain, slaughtered through Panchaali's skull, and down right to her every bone. Where she could almost feel the steady beat of it.

A groan slipped through her dry, chapped lips, forcing her eye lids to open, that weighed like tons of bricks were holding them down.

Images swirled, focusing and unfocusing, her mind spinning with the blurred pictures of her surroundings.

A loud ringing filled her ears, she cringed. Trying to block the sound out, its sharp high pitched cresando nearly damaging her ears.

The pain in her skull intensifying.

She wanted to scream, but it felt like something was tightening it's grip around her throat.

"Please." She gasped, tears trekking down the corner of her eyes. Trying to fight the unseen force, that so oh so exgarettingly tightened its grasp.

And suddenly the weight disappeared. Vanishing like it never existed.

Panic stabbed in her chest, the feeling to her body returned. She could ones again control her body, wave of currents passing through her body, blood gushing through her system.

Dark endless sky greeted her. No stars, no moon, no clouds. Just an ocean endless darkness.

She breathed in deeply the cold, chilling air of fall. That flowed through her lungs, leaving a pin prick sensation behind.

Pulling her strength together, she forced herself to sit up.

Her skull thumping hard like possessing a heart beat of its own, but instead of the beat of life, it was one of an acute.

Where every thump felt like someone was crushing her head. Her hands trembled, lifting one to touch the back of her head.

Sticky wetness between her tresses brushed against her fingertips, she brought the hand in front of her eyes, deep scarlet sticky liquid stained them.


She thought, not really surprised. Confused and disoriented, she looked at her surroundings.

Where was she? She wondered, gazing at the endless forest.

Thick trees, crooked and bend, at unnatural angles, raising from ground to sky.

Weren't the trees, strong lean and thick around the temple? She wondered trying to recall. But the mere action of thinking, made thumping in her skull worsen.

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