Chapter 55

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"Um. As great as the speech of feminism and women empowerment was, I don't think we took into account the lack of our camping skills." Bhanumati grumbled standing over the edge of area assigned to them.

A clearing right in the center of all trees. Fresh green grass carpeting the soil. With a little burned spot in the center, where campers previously had sat their bonfire no doubt.

"Come on how difficult it could be." Pauravi urged walking ahead, carrying her supplies, as others followed her.

Twenty minutes and four tries later, Draupadi knew that camping was not her area of specialization.

"Ugh! I give up." Pauravi complained sweating heavily, falling back on her back, breathing heavily.

"I can't feel my hands, how in the heaven men make it look so simple lighting a fire, with just two sticks." Dhara grumbled, her hands aching.

"I feel useless. Why don't you just let me help. All I am doing is sitting." Bhanumati complained.

"Bhanu you are pregnant, you need the rest. You are doing so much taking care of my future niece or nephew." Draupadi assured, giving her sister in law a side hug.

Sugandha had gone to fill some water. And all of them were tired.  Feminism and everything was fine, but they all had no skills in camping.

Never in her short life Panchaali had ever been one to set up a camp. Food and water they could manage, but how does one light fire and set up a tent.

She wondered, biting her bottom lip. "Maybe we should ask the men-"

"No! They will laugh. We will do it." Pauravi stated adamantly. "Yes we can do it. In the next try I am sure we can have it." Agreed Dhara.

Panchaali wasn't so certain anymore, it wasn't about being a male or female, or women empowerment altogether.  It was more about as a human accepting, that certain times you need help.

It could be male or female. What does it matter? We learn from each other, don't we?

She sighed, knowing it was no use. The two were adamant. If only someone could just instruct them, she was certain, they could do it.

Taking another sip of water, she stood up, "Let's move. We need to set up the tents before sunsets." Pauravi stated, helping Panchaali and Dhara up, the later grumbled and followed the two.

Bheem and Arjun shared a look, hiding from behind the leaves, where they sat watching over.

Leaning over Bheem plucked a mango, from the branches, and began munching. "Jyest you resemble a monkey." Humor tainted the words of younger pandav, Bheem clubbed him on the back of his head, rolling his eyes.

"Ouch!" Draupadi's cry of distress had the two turning, "careful Drau." Pauravi crouched beside her friend.

"What happened?" Worry marred Dhara's words, "Oh don't worry. I am fine." She assured forcing a smile, "I think I just twisted my leg. But I am okay."

She wasn't, the two could hear the wavering in her voice, even from where they sat perched up on the tree. Frowning heavily, gazing at her.

"Damn it Drau." The second son of a Kunti, silently cursed, his eyes lingering on his bride, who winced, when her friends weren't looking.

The urge to march over and pick her up, was intense, but he had it under the wraps, fisting his hands.

"Are you sure? You should rest. I'll call someone to check on your leg."

"It's okay Pauravi. I am fine. It doesn't hurt. Come let's set the tent up."

Without waiting for a reply she stood  biting back the pain, that flared from her ankle.

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