Chapter 50

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The fine intricate work on the double doors, that she usually  never cared to notice, took her special interest today, while she stood shuffling from one feet to another.

Nervousness thrumming in her heart.

"You can do it." She whispered to herself, taking a deep breath she lifted her hand, ready to knock.

"Come in Drau." Chorused the twins from within startling her, she gazed at her hand, that was still hovering in air, and back at double doors.

How did they know?

There was no way, they could have heard her anklets through such thick doors, than how?

"Come inside and do the musings princess." The teasing tone of the eldest son of Madri, had her jolting, surpised.

What in the heaven. . .

She blushed furiously, pushing the door open.

Usually it were her husbands that came to her room at late hours, this was the first time she was entering theirs.

The thought had nervousness pulsing through her. Maybe she should return, and come later.

The doors were suddenly opened from within, nearly scaring her.

A smirking Nakul gazed at her. Gazing at his wife, who look positively startled.

"Planning to spend the night in the corridor beautiful?" He teased, wriggling his eyebrows funnily.

A giggle passed through her lips, scarlet intensifying. No matter the situation he never failed to make her smile.

He wrapped his hand around her wrist, tugging her in, shutting the door after them.

"Arya how did you both know it was me at the door?" She asked curious.

"We sensed you." He said matter of factly. "Sensed me? How?" She asked confused.

Her eyes searching his, he couldn't help but smile at her innocence.

Turning to face her, taking her hand in his, he placed it over his chest.

The strong rhythmic thud under her fingers, gave her a sense of reassurance and calmness.

The hard feel of his muscles under her soft fingers, had shyness seeping through her.

His lips curled up, she looked most beautiful when scarlet of the roses seemed to have dusted over her cheeks.

His heart felt a different satisfaction everytime her cheeks took that shy shade of crimson, knowing that he was the cause.

It was silly really, but he loved to make her blush.

He adored the soft smile that appeared on her lips, and he specially craved the way she would lower those thick dark lashes.

The half dark moons, against her pristine glowing skin. An epitome of shy beauty.

His beauty.

The possessive ring of the thought had his heart racing faster. His.

She was his.

"You feel this?" He asked, his inky dark orbs locked with hers, the inferno in them kindling, sparkling and blazing, in a warm flame.

The veil of shyness glimmered in them, making his heart melt like butter in a heated pan.

Strange it is how he had been flirting and dating, girls after girls. But none really clicked.

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