Chapter 37

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"I was thinking of trying the aura work for the women in their comatose situation. . ." Yudhisthir frowned at the fading voice of his youngest brother.

Glancing up from the dinner table, where the entire family sat, his gaze followed everyone's line of sight.

A stunned silence fell over the dinning hall, mouths hung open, gazing at Duryodhan, who stood in the doorway, debating on his next move.

It had been almost weeks, since anyone had seen him. The man had refused to exit from his self-imposed jail, and had denied anyone entry.

It was a shocker seeing him standing there, with a clean shaved face, and properly combed hair, the eldest Kaurav sure had lost some considerable amount of weight, and dark circles had graced his face, but other than that he was pretty decent.

As far as Yudhisthir could recall, the last time he met his cousin, he had huge beard, dark circles, matted clothes, and hair.

He was too lost in his abysses of heartache to care for anything accept his wives.

The eldest son of Pandu still remembered just how furious his cousin had been, shattering everything in the room, demanding that everyone leave him alone.

He didn't want to see anyone's face, and today, that man was standing here, bathed and groomed, looking every bit of the prince he was.

Duryodhan fisted his hands, preventing them from trembling in nervousness. He wanted to turn around and run, hide away from everything.

"It's been a long time Rajkumar Duryodhan since you left your home, it's time for you to return. The path won't be easy, but it's a choice for you to make, if it is worth it."

Panchaali's words had him rooted where he stood. Why was he even here?

After all the mistakes he did, he was sure that no one would accept him. Draupadi was just being her kindself, he should turn around and bolt.

Return to his wives, in his room, away from everything.

The broken vessel that Draupadi had fixed flashed in his mind, it was still resting in the center of his room, he hadn't dared to move it, it felt too wrong to.

Almost fearing that it would once again shatter into fine pieces.

And that thought scared him, like it was his soul there, and not a clay bowl.

There is a lot to gain.

Her words flooded his mind, taking a deep breath, holding his head high, he walked in.

Bheem gazed out of the window, stretching his neck, searching the dark sky.

"What are you looking for?" Arjun asked confused at his elder brother's behavior.

"Just conforming that sun too didn't appear in the sky." Humor tainted his words, his brothers laughed, all except Yudhisthir.

Heated glares of the Kauravas greeted him, but Duryodhan just gave him half a smile.

Bheem's eyes nearly bulged out, shock marred his face, he froze, the silver knife that he was using to cut some fruits clattered on the table.

He tried process the thing that was happening in front of him, did he just hallucinate or Duryodhan just smiled?

He should have taken some sleep, he knew it wouldn't do him any good pulling nighters, but heck, he never expected imagination to be this vivid.

His lips moved, trying to speak but, words didn't seem to live past his lips.

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